Wednesday 7 December 2011

Men are animal abusers and women are hoarders

Men are far more likely to abuse animals than women.  Cat hoarders are usually women. Here are some percentages from the website.

The figures show the percentage of perpetrators of the specified crime who are men:
  • Shooting an animal: 92% of perpetrators are men.
  • Mutilation and/or torture: 88%
  • Burning and/or fireworks: 89%
  • Beating the animal: 95%
  • Poisoning: 100%
  • Drowning: 87%
  • Bestiality: 85%
These are extraordinarily high percentages.

Of all the recorded animal cruelty cases (720) a breakdown by the gender of the person who perpetrated the crime is as follows:
  • Only male perpetrator: 66%
  • Male and female perpetrators: 12%
  • Only female perpetrator: 22%
So why are men far more likely to commit animal abuse crimes than women? Answers in comments please! I am not sure of the reason. One obvious possibility is that men are more naturally aggressive than women. So if a man is depressed and agitated he is more likely to hit something than a woman. That may be too simplistic. It would seem that men are more likely to hate cats. I don't have figures but I suspect that something in the order of 90% of cat haters are men. Another element may be that men are more likely to be arrogant and feel superior to animals. They have less empathy for animals in general perhaps.

Associated page: Looking into the mind of a cat killer

Looking into the mind of a cat killer

Nasty cat killer, Joseph Carlo Candare, a physics undergraduate in the Philippines, admits that he killed a cat in his blog (a public website). What he says gives us a little bit of an insight into the mind of a cat killer. This is a cruel sociopathic type person. I am not saying that he is a sociopath but he clearly has a problem with empathising with the pain and discomfort of others. He is dangerously antisocial. I don't think that it matters if the other party is a person or a cat. Below is a photo image of part of his blog. The language is a mixture of English and his native language.

Cat Killer

He says in an interview with the police (I presume) that "it feels good when you are beating it" but when the cat dies he says that he feels something strange. He does not use the word "die". He says "when it turns off permanently".

Perhaps that last comment gives us an insight. He speaks of a domestic cat as if it is a machine that is turned on and off. An inanimate object.  He totally lacks any connection to the fact the he is killing a living and feeling creature. He also lacks any sense of what he is doing is criminal and morally wrong as he published a record of the killing on the internet. He is dangerous it seems to me and should be treated. The judge did not make any order regarding the mental health of this person.

This monstrous person was successfully convicted of animal cruelty. It was the first conviction for animal cruelty in the Philippines. If that is true it is extraordinary. It tells us that there is not a lot of enforcement of the animal welfare laws in the Philippines.

Joseph Carlo Candare intends to start killing cats again after he has completed his sentence (community service and a fine). He indicates that he kills cats regularly because it feels good and he hates cats. As this crime happened in May 2011, he has probably killed several cats by now (Dec 2011) and got away with it.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

If you hate declawing you must hate neutering

It has been said that cat lovers who fight against declawing are hypocritical because they agree with and accept the neutering and spaying of cats. I disagree that we are hypocritical.

There is a great difference between the operations at a fundamental level and the difference concerns us.

There is no benefit whatsoever to the cat when the last digit of his toes are amputated. In fact there is great loss and pain. It is damaging a cat and it is for the convenience of the person.

In contrast, the neutering and spaying of cats is essentially for the benefit of cats in general as it prevents unwanted cats being born and possibly being abandoned to lead short miserable lives or be killed at cat shelters.

There are benefits to "cat owners" too. The male cat is less aggressive because he is less territorial and he will spray less or it is less likely that he will spray. Also there are less unwanted cats and therefore less of a burden on dealing with unwanted cats. But the primary purpose is to prevent unwanted cats being brought into the world and that benefits cats.

Sitesell Review

SiteSell host my site. I am getting a bit worried about SiteSell. The engineering seems to be fragile. Today 6th December 2011 around midday, my site is down, is down, log-in is down, my subdomains except this one is down and all the other sites that are hosted by SiteSell are down too. Sounds horrible and scary. I don't know what is going on. I don't recall being notified but may have missed an email or something.

But even if they are doing work on the servers that serve the websites that they host, their website, should run, surely? And we should have access to something.

I may have this completely wrong but it has been 30 mins or more now that the sites have been down and by down I mean nothing loads, no website, zilch.

Update: 40 mins down and my site is back. Were we warned?  If, yes, I missed it. If, no, we should have been because it is unnerving.

Update: 2:08 pm we are down again for a very short time. No site. Have to stop work. also down.

How to improve

In my humble opinion - no criticism intended - SiteSell should either increase their yearly subscription that has remained the same for a long time or reduce some of their facilities to simplify. Either way more focus needs to be placed on technology; making it more modern, more reliable and faster. There needs to be investment in technology and engineering. The internet has evolved. A lot or people access the internet on mobiles. These people need speed, readability and navigation that suits small devices. SiteSell is behind the curve in regards to providing for these people. I asked about this 2 years ago.

Also some of the services provided by SiteSell are gradually becoming less important, almost redundant. One of these is at the core of SiteSell - SEO - search engine optimization. Google does not rely on well SEOed sites anymore. It is using other criteria to rank sites high in search results such as page load time and whether the site is a "brand" or not. This seems unfair but we have to follow Google. They are in charge of the internet with social media such as FB.

Wild Cats of Canada

A list of wild cats of Canada and links to more information. The distribution of three of the world's wild cat species include the country of Canada:
  1. Puma
  2. Canada lynx
  3. Bobcat
You would have thought that there might have been more. Of these three the puma is probably the most interesting in that this wild cat is also found in South America an entirely different and contrasting environment. The puma has the widest geographic range of any terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere1. The puma is highly adaptable. The puma has many names, causing a bit of confusion. "Cougar" is perhaps the most common or mountain lion". "Puma" is arguably more accurate as it is part of its full scientific name: Puma concolor. Both "cougar" and "puma" have been adopted by people; "cougar" refers to a predatory older female human! And if you Google search for "puma", at the top of the results is the well known sports manufacturer.

The Canada lynx is about one half the size of its European counterpart, the Eurasian lynx. This is because the Canada lynx has specialised in feeding on the snowshoe, small sized prey. The Canada lynx weighs about 8-11 kgs.

The bobcat is mainly distributed throughout the United States but its range creeps north into Canada. The bobcat is a medium sized wildcat with desirable fur that feeds on hares, rabbit and deer or beaver depending on availability of prey.

See and read more by starting on this page: wild cat species.

Wild Cats of the World (ISBN-13: 978-0-226-77999-7) - page 254.

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i hate cats

i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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