Monday 9 May 2011

बिल्ली नस्ल जानकारी

इस बिल्ली नस्ल मानक हिंदी में जानकारी, अन्यथा आधुनिक मानक हिंदी और मानक हिंदी के रूप में जाना पर एक पृष्ठ है. गूगल अनुवाद इस्तेमाल किया गया था. यह है भारत की प्राथमिक भाषा अंग्रेजी द्वारा पीछा किया. इस पृष्ठ प्रदान करता है बिल्ली का सार रूपरेखा में जन्म देती है. और अधिक विस्तार नेविगेशन पट्टी का उपयोग करके पाया जा सकता है.

बिल्लियों कि एक बिल्ली नस्ल का हिस्सा हैं बिल्लियों शुद्धरक्त हैं. एक ख़ालिस बिल्ली बिल्ली एक बिल्ली रजिस्ट्री (एक बिल्ली संघ) से पंजीकृत हों गया है के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त हो और यह वंशावली पास एक है - वर्ष की एक निश्चित संख्या में संघ के नियमों का अनुपालन के पैतृक वंश.

बिल्ली बनाने का विचार इंग्लैंड में है और आमतौर पर यूरोप में 19 वीं सदी के अमेरिका के संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका द्वारा पीछा के उत्तरार्द्ध में विकसित जन्म देती है.

तब से पहले, वहाँ कोई बिल्ली नस्लों, बस यादृच्छिक नस्ल बिल्लियों, जो इंग्लैंड में moggies कहा जाता था. और यदि हम नौ हजार साल वापस जाने के लिए, उस समय वहाँ कोई नहीं सभी में घरेलू बिल्लियों, बस Wildcats थे. सभी घरेलू बिल्लियों अफ्रीकी और यूरेशियाई अनधिकृत से उत्पन्न, एक छोटे से अनधिकृत कि एक घरेलू बिल्ली की तरह दिखता है आश्चर्य के दो उप.

दुनिया (बिल्लियों कि एक बिल्ली नस्ल का हिस्सा हैं) में ख़ालिस बिल्लियों का प्रतिशत बहुत छोटी बिल्लियों की कुल संख्या के सापेक्ष है. भारत जैसे देशों में ख़ालिस बिल्लियों की संख्या में काफी संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में से कम है. संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका है ख़ालिस बिल्लियों के लिए सबसे बड़ा बाजार इंग्लैंड और महाद्वीपीय यूरोप से शायद का पालन किया. हम नहीं जानते कि कितने ख़ालिस बिल्लियों वहाँ हैं, शायद के बारे में 100.000 - 200000. यह सोचा है कि दुनिया में लगभग 500 मिलियन घरेलू, आवारा और जंगली बिल्लियों रहे हैं.

जहाँ तक मुझे पता है कि भारत में कोई बिल्ली संघों हैं. हालांकि, वहाँ के रूप ख़ालिस बिल्लियों रहे हैं, वहाँ बिल्ली प्रजनकों शुद्धरक्त हैं. लेकिन वे ख़ालिस हो जाएगा एक बिल्ली संघ द्वारा इस तरह के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं है. इसके अलावा पश्चिम में कुछ प्रजनकों को बेचने और भारत जैसे देशों के लिए जहाज जाएगा ख़ालिस बिल्लियों.

बिल्ली नस्लों की सही संख्या शायद अज्ञात व्यक्ति क्योंकि बिल्ली प्रजनकों एक निरंतर आधार पर नया प्रयोगात्मक नस्लों बना है. इन दुर्लभ नस्ल अक्सर मान्यता औपचारिक रूप से नहीं.

वहाँ के बारे में 70 मुख्य धारा बिल्ली नस्लों रहे हैं. एक लोकप्रिय मुख्यधारा बिल्ली नस्ल का एक उदाहरण के स्याम देश की भाषा बिल्ली होगा. आप उन्हें नेविगेशन पट्टी के शीर्ष पर जाकर देख सकते हैं. वहाँ कम बिल्ली नस्लों कि दुर्लभ हैं की एक संख्या हैं. ऐसे दो बिल्ली नस्लों का एक उदाहरण Jambi और Habari बिल्लियों होगा.

इस वीडियो से पता चलता मुख्यधारा बिल्ली नस्लों और भी बिल्ली नस्ल जानकारी का एक स्रोत है.

कुछ बिल्लियों कि जंगली या अर्द्ध पालतू रहे हैं कि मैं क्या decfacto बिल्ली नस्लों कहेंगे. वे बिल्ली प्रजनकों के हस्तक्षेप के बिना विकसित किया है लेकिन अभी भी ख़ालिस और एक समान संकेत है कि वे बेतरतीब ढंग से नहीं पैदा कर रहे हैं भूमिका है. इस "द्वीप पर्वतमाला" जहाँ बिल्ली एक निश्चित interbred को बिल्लियों के कारण और नकल क्या एक बिल्ली है ब्रीडर cattery में होता क्षेत्र तक ही सीमित है में हो सकता है. और उदाहरण बहरीन Dilmun बिल्ली होगा.

बिल्ली नस्ल जानकारी हमें सबसे लोकप्रिय बताना चाहिए. सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय बिल्ली नस्लों मेन Coon, फ़ारसी, स्याम देश की भाषा, बंगाल और Abyssinian हैं. यह निर्भर करता है कि कैसे आप लोकप्रिय वर्णन. बिल्ली नस्ल सबसे बिल्ली fanciers एसोसिएशन फ़ारसी है के साथ दर्ज की गई. एक सीधे वोट पर मेन Coon शीर्ष पर बाहर आता है. यह निश्चित रूप से अमेरिका में मामला है के रूप में मेन Coon एक अमेरिकी बिल्ली नस्ल है. मेन Coon लंबे बालों बिल्लियों कि अमेरिका में जल्दी 1600s में इंग्लैंड और यूरोप से तीर्थ बसने से आयात किया गया से विकसित की है. वे मेन में उतरा. या तो वह या Vikings उन्हें पहले सदियों से लाया था.

मेन Coon भी सबसे बड़ा शुद्ध घरेलू बिल्ली नस्ल है. मैं अनधिकृत संकर छोड़कर हूँ. यदि आप अनधिकृत संकर शामिल हैं, सबसे बड़ा घरेलू बिल्ली एक पहली filial (F1) सवाना बिल्ली है. गिनीज वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड्स सबसे बड़ी घरेलू बिल्ली है "जादू".

छोटी बिल्ली नस्ल सिंगापुर है. इस बिल्ली कहा गया था करने के लिए एक जंगली बिल्ली है कि नालियां, लेकिन इस कहानी शायद गलत है में रहने से सिंगापुर में आरंभ.

1950 और 1960 के दशक की अवधि, जब ज्यादातर नई नस्लों बनाया गया था. यह प्रतीत होता है कि बिल्ली नस्लों की अधिकतम संख्या नई नस्लों के विकास के लिए अवसर तो बना दिया गया है अब वास्तव में बहुत सीमित है. वहाँ के लिए एक व्यावहारिक स्तर पर नस्लों के एक परिमित संख्या में हो, क्योंकि वे दूसरे से प्रतिष्ठित एक हो गए है. वहाँ रहे हैं और अधिक कम दूरी वहाँ उपस्थिति के संदर्भ में नस्लों के बीच है.

बिल्ली नस्लों के नामकरण संयोग से विकसित किया गया है. एक परिणाम के रूप में यह भ्रमित किया जा सकता है. यह चिंता अंतर देश से देश के नस्ल के नाम है. एक उदाहरण Chantilly और टिफ़नी है.

वहाँ चार प्रमुख बिल्ली संघों, पहले दो का उल्लेख कर रहे हैं संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका आधारित: कैट 'fanciers (CFA) एसोसिएशन, इंटरनेशनल कैट (TICA) एसोसिएशन, बिल्ली fanciers की सामान्य परिषद (GCCF - यह ब्रिटेन के एक संघ है), और फेडरेशन इंटरनेशनेल बिल्ली के समान (मुरली - महाद्वीप यूरोप).

बिल्लियों कि एक बिल्ली नस्ल के हैं कभी कभी बिल्ली में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं करने के लिए पुरस्कार जीतने से पता चलता है. यह है ब्रीडर व्यवसाय को बढ़ावा देता है. प्रजनन और बिल्लियों के बिल्ली दिखा रहा है फैंसी कहा जाता है.

Michael Avatar

From cat breed info to Home Page

Friday 6 May 2011

Some Cat Guinness World Records

As it happens I have some pages about cat Guinness World Records on my website so I'll add one more. Why not. Not that anyone really cares or will want to read it! An existing one is the world's tallest pet cat or I think she is now world's biggest pet cat - not completely sure. All I know is that she is a magnificent domestic cat, extremely special, very friendly and very large. But she is a domestic cat, make no mistake about it. She looks like a medium sized wild cat but she is not. Some people think she is. Wrong, sorry.

Guinness World Records have stopped recording the world's smallest cat because it promoted bad breeding practices. One such record holder was Pete (see pic. next to a cigarette packet).

I am also pretty sure that they don't do the world's heaviest domestic cat for similar reasons. People will tend to overfeed a large cat to win the prize. This is not something that Guinness World Records want to promote as it is bad for business.

Here she is, the world's biggest domestic cat, "Magic", playing with Andreas, the son of Marti and Kathrin Stucki who raised them both:

Then we have the world's fattest cat. This is a cat I have not met. I wrote on this subject and so did a colleague of mine Finn Frode.

Here are the two articles:

Fattest Cat in the World

Clauz - World's Fattest Cat 1950

Then we have the world's longest cat, which is a Maine Coon. Maine Coons are more long than big although they are the biggest non-wildcat hybrid domestic cat breed in the world and the biggest registered by the Cat Fanciers' Asscociation (CFA), the best known cat association in the world.

To these landmark events we can now add the world's loudest cat! He is Smokey and I am glad to say that he is British and he is a silver mackerel tabby moggie (random bred).  In fact he looks like a silver smoke tabby. His voice is louder that a Boeing 737 landing. I presume this is at max volume! On his website he is seen next to a decibel meter that shows 90.6 decibels. Apparently he purred at 67.7 decibels for the Guinness World Record.

Here he is:

He has a nice rather high pitched purr. It doesn't sound that intrusive but it is noticeable louder than any purr I have heard.

Michael Avatar

From Some Cat Guinness World Records to Home Page

Thursday 5 May 2011

Laser Declawing - The Guilt Free Way!

There is an extraordinary page on the internet in which a vet confidently declares to the world that you need not feel guilty taking your cat to the vet to have her toes mutilated in a declawing operation. Fear not. All is well; laser declawing is here. Another fancy use of the good old laser. It is almost painless. Recovery is quick and everything will be over in a jiff.

It really is a classic bit of cynical propaganda by the vet as a way of fighting back over the gradual realisation by the American people, the millions of would be and current cat caretakers, that declawing their cat is wrong - plain wrong. Convenient it might be but wrong it still is.

Well another vet in his personal attempt to sell the idea of declawing says that he prefers the old fashioned scalpel as it is more accurate. He says that laser declawing takes longer to get over because it burns the flesh. Hmmm, I would have thought that a laser would burn the flesh and a lot more.

As to the third way, the guillotine, this is imprecise, relatively blunt and unless you are a very skilled vet you are liable to leave a piece of bone in the stump of the toe. This will cause endless pain. Most vets use this method as far as I am aware! So much for no long term pain.

Any declawing is wrong if we are honest with ourselves. It is for our convenience and totally against the wellbeing of the cat, who most people consider a family member. Doesn't it strike you as strange that people who love their cats and who consider him or her a family member should burn her flesh and mutilate her toes in removing the last phalange of the toe for the sake of convenience?

I do.

See my photostream.

See an article on cat declawing and see 150 more articles on this important subject.

Michael Avatar

From Laser Declawing - The Guilt Free Way! to Home Page

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Watch Movies On The Internet

Watch Citizen Kane on BBC iPlayer

You can already watch movies on the internet using standard websites. Soon this whole area will be dramatically expanded. A sign of this is the expansion of watching television on the internet. A good example is the recent wedding of William and Katie; the wedding of the decade or century. You could have watched the whole thing on YouTube rather than on television.

The BBC have an iPlayer website that I find extremely useful as I can watch in bed! They not only show television programs that you might have missed but decent movies too. A list of movies on iPlayer as at the date of this blog can be seen here. There are some classic and famous movies on BBC iPlayer. One is Citizen Kane.

Sky Movies is a well known website where you can watch movies on the internet. At you can watch movies online or download them. You shouldn't be too critical about the standard of movie, though, as the ones I see are not great movies.

Some YouTube videos could be classified as movies. YouTube is a good marketplace for a new movie maker to promote his or her video. It seems that you can already watch some mainstream movies on YouTube. Kids in America is one example.

I am sure that this is the beginning of a new trend that will close cinemas worldwide. This page shows the search results for movies on YouTube.

It is not difficult to find websites to watch movies on the internet. You don't have to go to new movie sites. Existing television sites are doing movies too.

Michael Avatar

From Watch Movies On The Internet to Home Page

Saturday 30 April 2011

Internet Copyright Issues

The internet is becoming worse. I have more internet copyright issues now than before. People "steal" photographs and text from my website all the time. Despite warnings on the homepage, despite placing clear copyright notices under photos - which is not obligatory as all work is automatically protected by copyright - unscrupulous people just download them and upload to their website. I can add software that prevents right-click downloads but that does not stop a person stealing a photo - they can take a screen shot and crop out the image. A watermark across the image will make it almost useless to steal but make it far less effective as a image on my site.

Once they have placed the stolen photo on their site they fail to protect copyright so other unscrupulous and immoral people steal it again from their site and that enlarges the problem substantially. It also simply duplicates what is already on the internet - hardly beneficial.

Then Google image search finds the stolen photo and presents it higher in search results than your original - it is just ghastly and totally unfair.


See: PoC copyright violations and Definition of Copyright.
See also an example of a website in breach of copyright being delisted in respect of the offending page. The upheld complaint is listed in the Chilling Effects website for public view. Update 30th September 2011: I have made approximately 40 complaints in respect of image violations to Google DMCA. Almost all have been agreed by Google and the relevant page delisted from Google search results. It is possible too that this process damages the website concerned in respect of Google's perception of it. Here is another example of a DMCA complaint I made on Chilling Effects. Don't violate copyright please.

The problem is massive and Google, very late in the day, are beginning to do something about it but it is perhaps too little too late. The mentality of many website creators is that they can do as they please and get away with it and a lot of the time they are correct (at least for a while until I have tracked them down).

I always make an application to Google under their complaints procedure. Removing Content From Google. This can now be done online rather than by post. "Removing content from Google" in my experience means one of two things. If the stolen image or text is on a Google Blogspot Blogger site, Google deletes the page that contains the offending text or image if they uphold your complaint. If the copyright breach is on a website not hosted by Google then Google de-lists the page from its search results. This means that no one can find it using Google. This is obviously a serious blow to the person who stole the image or text.

However, it is far from a conclusive result. Google's search will still bring up the image for a potentially long time after the image has been removed. This is because it can take a long time for the Google bots to get to where the deleted page was and report back, if it was a Blogger page. If the image is on a non-Blogger site the search results will still point to the offending page for quite some time. This is depressing for people like me because you want the problem fixed immediately and you want the person who stole the image(s) and/or text to be punished.

There is also the fact that the other search engines, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc, might still be finding and listing the offending web page. Although these search engines are relatively unimportant compared to god Google.

Some people say, "it's only a picture, chill out". They are wrong and do not understand the consequences of internet copyright theft. It can have a severe impact on the income generated by the victim of the copyright theft.

Internet copyright issues are very important indeed and they have been almost ignored for a very long time. There almost seems to be an acceptance of it. You don't buy a book and copy it and republish it unless you are a scamming business in Asia. But internet copyright theft is rampant and unabated and can be carried out by anyone.

Internet copyright issues are a major headache for someone like me. I manage my entire site alone. I have no fancy software or help to monitor and stop internet copyright breaches. It is very difficult to stop it under these circumstances. Google should have done much more to assist the single webmaster long ago. Yet Google's new algorithm has hurt lots of websites that are run by individuals. The internet is not really a nice place for individuals who build their own website. It is a place for the big sites.

Why can't Google detect breaches of copyright? It should be able to mark when an image first comes on the internet. If it insists that copyrighted images have a notice under them, "photo copyright John Doe" then their bots can read that. Surely that would let them detect when the image has been used elsewhere. Alternatively Google could devise some code that people can put in the image html so that Google can track it and mark it as the original image (first on the internet).

That in turn would let them de-list the page without having to receive hundreds of thousands of complaints which must be a nightmare for Google to process. They are probably having problems coping with the complaints procedure although I am very pleased with their service to date - thanks Google. Google notify you by email when they de-list a webpage from their search results.

However, it is up to a major organisation such as Google to take PROACTIVE steps to prevent internet copyright issues occurring. Reactive measures are ultimately unworkable. If Google can't or won't do something about it for the long term rather than fire fighting then someone else should.

It is sad to say that, inadvertently, Google promotes internet copyright issues and breach of copyright through its Adsense programme. Anyone can make money using Adsense. Anyone can start a blogger site in seconds. It is these casual, fly-by-nite people who are the biggest offenders.

Michael Avatar

From Internet Copyright Issues to Home Page

Friday 29 April 2011

Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian cat
Abyssinian cat "Hawkeye" -
photograph copyright Helmi Flick


The Abyssinian cat is a very popular, slender purebred cat that is well known for his or her special ticked tabby coat. The history of this cat breed is interesting. There are no facts but plenty of speculation. There is agreement that this cat breed is one of the oldest in the cat fancy and that the breed quite possibly originates in India as a jungle cat (Felis chaus) wildcat hybrid that was imported to England by a British soldier via Abyssinia (now Ethiopia).

Showing ticked coat
Photo by key lime pie yumyum

The two most recognised cat coat colours are probably the ruddy or natural colour and the blue.

History of Abyssinian Cats

My assessment as to the possible history of the Abyssinian cat is based on historical record and Darwin's records that come from his voyages to the far east. As mentioned above my theory is that this cat breed started in India, around the middle of the 19th century as a wildcat hybrid to the domestic cat sized jungle cat (Felis chaus), which, incidentally, looks very like the Abyssinian. It is not uncommon for semi-domestic cats to mate with small wildcats. This occurs with the Scottish wildcat for instance. A modern version would be the Bahraini Dilmun. The original Abyssinian cat in unrefined form would have been very interesting looking and it would not be unsurprising if a person took a fancy to the cat and imported it into England.

{Note: it is interesting to note that the modern version of the jungle cat x domestic cat cross - a wildcat hybrid - is the Chausie, a relatively rare cat breed.}

Click on the link to read lots more: Origins of the Abyssinian Cat.

You can see a time line of the history by clicking here.

You can read about the first Abyssinian cat Zula Zula in England by clicking here.

Blue Abyssinian cats

Blue Abyssinian cat - photo by polandeze (Flickr)

I have a page on blue Abyssinians. You can see it by clicking here. The page also discusses red Abyssinians and some genetics.

Red Abyssinian cats

Ruddy Abyssinian Kittens - the person in the picture is the
the breeder: Pat Harbert.

See this image in large format: Two Ruddy Abyssinian Kittens. You can see three ruddy and three blue Abyssinian kittens in a large format picture by Helmi Flick by clicking here with some background info or see it right here:

Taken at an Oklahoma cat show. Two blue, 3 ruddy and 1 spoiler
Please respect Helmi's copyright.

These are commonly called "ruddy" (Tawny - Ruddy/Usual). Below is the video of the blue and ruddy Abyssinian kittens that you see on this page. They are ready to be photographed by Helmi Flick at a cat show in Oklahoma, USA. One of them caught my eye. He was tired and I think he was a bit of a loner. Is he the one on the right spoiling Helmi's photo? I think so.

Click here to see the above video in HD on YouTube. You can see the finished photographs and compare blue to ruddy in this video. Or you can read some more about the background to the video by clicking here.

Long Haired Abyssinian Cats - The Somali

The Somali cat breed is extremely attractive. The resemble foxes in their coat color and foxy plumed tail. I like foxes so I like Somali cats. The male cat in the video below was one of the stars of this cat show in Oklahoma, USA.

Click on here to see it on YouTube in HD.

Abyssinian Cat Personality

This section incorporates Abyssinian cat behavior because personality dictates behavior. Please don't believe that each and every cat breed has a particular and nicely defined personality. They generally don't. Remember there are over 100 cat breeds. You do get some generalized differences between the more active, slender and perhaps more intelligent cats (say Bengal cat) and the more gentle indoor loving cobby type cats (for instance the Persian) but individual cat personalities outweigh differences in cat breed personality.

That said a person with first hand experience of handling and wrangling the majority of cat breeds, Ken Flick,  says that the Abyssinian is extremely active. He says that the Abyssinian cat is more active than an F1 (first filial) Chausie (a Chausie is a wildcat hybrid - jungle cat to domestic cat as mentioned above).

Abyssinian cats are one of the more intelligent cats it is thought and this degree of activity supports that finding.

See a video about the two extremes of cat personality (Bengal to Exotic Shorthair that supports this point).

Abyssinian Cat Rescue

As it happens, I have a page on Abyssinian cat rescue so there is no need to go over it here. Yes, there are Abyssinian cats that need rescuing but I think you will find them quite scarce. After all this is a very popular purebred cat. Click on the link to go to Abyssinian Cat Rescue.

Next some more frivolous and more commercial stuff. People search for it.

Abyssinian cat cursor

There are several sites that offer an Abyssinian cat cursor. Tucows is one. It is a download and the cursor is the head of an Abyssinian cat. See the page here.

Abyssinian cat license plate

This is a purely American thing. You don't see it elsewhere and they would be illegal in the UK and probably Europe generally. (North American market) do a license plate frame that might appeal to an Abyssinian cat fan:

Abyssinian Cat License Plate Frame

Abyssinian Cat Care

Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and CatsCaring for Abyssinian cats is the same as caring for all domestic cats with the proviso that plenty of attention is given to your Aby as they are intelligent and active. These qualities need to be expressed.  One other aspect of caring for the Abyssinian cat is a knowledge of any genetically inherited diseases that might concern this breed of cat. There are several which you can read about on this page - just scroll down the page.  Two are:
Here are some web pages from PoC on caring for the domestic cat:
Abyssinian Cat Price

Depends on quality as is always the case with purebred cats. By quality I mean to what extent the cat matches the breed standard in appearance. At the poorer quality end expect to pay $300-500 (USD in the USA) and £1000 at the best quality end. You can translate dollars for pounds to figure out the price in the UK but please check (prices as at June 2011).
    Abyssinian cat earrings

    Couldn't find earrings but this ornament might do (please click on the image):

    Abyssinian Cat Ornament

    See and read more in a quick guide about the Abyssinian by clicking on this link.

    Would you like to tell people about your Abyssinian cat or your thoughts about this cat breed? Please use the form below:

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    Thursday 28 April 2011

    Cat Eating Litter

    A cat eating litter must be rare and it is means a trip to the vet, for sure. Dogs are less particular about what they eat. They are omnivores with a carnivore bias. They can eat cat food for a while. Dogs sometimes eat cat litter and cat feces.

    Grey tabby British Shorthair show cat sleeping on grey litter at a cat show
    Not a cat eating litter but sleeping on it. A sign of anxiety.

    I'll cut to the chase. There is no reference, as far as I can see, to a cat eating litter in the best book on cat health on the planet: Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, Fully Revised and Updated. Neither is there any reference to it in a first class book on cats: The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health. That is what tells me that it is a rare condition.

    I am therefore reliant on the internet for information. And the internet is not that reliable. However my research indicates that when a cat eats litter it may be one of three conditions:
    1. A dietary deficiency
    2. Feline anemia
    3. Pica in cats
    Clearly the type of litter being consumed will inform us as to what might be wrong. Clumping clay litter may contain minerals that are lacking in the cat's diet. Eating clay based litter is very serious as it can cause a digestive tract blockage. It must stop immediately and veterinary assistance should be sought. The cat's diet will need to be reevaluated. Change the litter and the diet.

    Feline anemia is a lack of red blood cells. There may be an underlying condition. Read about feline anemia. If there are signs of feline anemia then my earnest advice is an immediate visit to the vet to check out general health and underlying serious illness.

    Pica in cats is a manifestation of a psychological imbalance. Check out the other symptoms. Check out stress, cat play, your absence, your behavior. Stressed cats are usually the result of our behavior. Make changes where necessary and check out the vet too.

    Vets are expensive. They are getting more expensive. This presents a resistance to going to see them. But there are times when we must. A cat eating litter is serious enough for a vet visit unless something is obviously wrong after reading these pointers,

    Michael Avatar

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