What do I mean by being selfish? Surely when someone adopts a cat that has special needs it is an act of altruism? It is a gift of life to a cat that few people want.
Binnie |
I am not particularly altruistic but I happen to care for two special needs cats. They were, in a way, foisted on me - I had no choice.
My old lady cat, Binnie, I rescued from the street about 19 years ago and she must has been about one year old or more then. She is deaf and a bit senile. A lot senile, maybe. You can't really tell. She needs me and she comes to me for cuddles and contact. I love giving it to her as it is good for me as well.
Charlie |
Cindy Sakiyama, writing in the Cat Fancy magazine, adopted a Siamese mix with cerebral ataxia (the cat will move in an uncoordinated manner) from a shelter that was probably planning to kill the cat. She says she loves him. She loves his "goofy face". You can get a fantastic bond with a special needs cat that goes beyond the ordinary.
Please adopt a special needs cat. Walk into the cat shelter and ask for the most unpopular cat or if they have one, a cat with special needs.
He or she will look up at you with soft, pleading eyes and you will not, no way, be able to say no. It will be a selfish act when you adopt as you will get more from the relationship than the cat.
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