The cult of the funny internet cat is fading. You know what humans are like. I use the word "human" rather than "people" because I write about cats so much I have got used to differentiating between the two that way. Humans follow fads and trends or in this case a kind of cult. The cult of the funny cat on the internet.
The internet is still relatively young. Google is only 14 years as I recall. A lot of websites are less than 5 years old. The internet is a very transient and fluid place in which to set up business. I sometimes think that Google considers 4-5 year old sites as in their dottage; time to euthanise them in the words of cat shelters.
The internet to date has worked both for and against the domestic cat. The great cult of funny cat pictures put the domestic cat on the map. But the endless funny videos are really quite tiresome now. On the upside the domestic cat got a lot of publicity. On the downside, was it the right kind of publicity?
The cult of the funny cat pic was fun stuff, but a fad, a fashion. It has to be temporary because it is entertainment genre. Entertainment evolves all the time. You only have to look at cinema to see that. In cinema people are tired of the super hyped-up, over CGI'd, thin-plotted, blockbuster. The old stuff looks far better. I think cinema ran out of ideas so decided to over stimulate our senses instead. You get tired of that quite quickly.
Maybe we are running out of ideas in art. The only thing that constantly renews itself naturally is news. The cult of the cat on the internet is dying. People want to go back to real, sensible stuff. Good, clean information well presented.
I don't think the cult of the funny internet cat improved cat welfare. It was too frivolous for that. Funny cat pictures don't really respect the cat. Under this cult of funny cat pics and vids the cat is not really respected but used to entertain us. There are too many very serious and upsetting aspects to the life of the domestic cat to allow ourselves to be amused by funny cat pics. Let's get the welfare of cats right first before we have a laugh at the expense of the cat.
If I am correct, I am pleased. PoC is a serious website. The cat pictures are the best. They are not about being funny but about respecting the cat. In the long term, I hope that means that PoC transcends the slow decline of the funny cat internet cult.
Showing posts with label cat fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat fun. Show all posts
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Cat On Leash On Head
Here is a nice way, umm..interesting way and a safe way to take your cat out for a walk on a leash. Only this black and white cat prefers to be transported by his male human companion, which allows the cat a nice high vantage point. Cats feel safer high up. Common sense, I guess.
I like this because it is safe. The human is a young hip male and that debunks the notion that all cat people are older frumpy females and the cat is on a leash that is not needed.
I included a still from the video in case the video gets removed for some reason.

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I like this because it is safe. The human is a young hip male and that debunks the notion that all cat people are older frumpy females and the cat is on a leash that is not needed.
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I included a still from the video in case the video gets removed for some reason.
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Monday, 20 April 2009
New Model Cat
New Model Cat. Retro Chic. All mods. Fantastic performance. This cat breaks with convention. At a time when people are talking about the environment and economy we have here a cat that eats more than a person, jumps higher than a Serval wildcat and messes up the environment.

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From New Model Cat to Home Page
Fat Cat Wont Eat Mouse
My fat cat won't eat the mouse she caught. Good thing I guess. This is the first mouse she has ever caught! True. I was more proud than her than she was of herself. But, yes, I am thinking of the mouse too. But it is natural isn't it. At least what cats do is natural, ain't it. Yeh. She is a cool dude.
And yes, she is overweight and yes again it is partly my fault. And partly her fault. She is a very static lady. And I iz a very lovin boy. One problem recently is that I am feeding 3 time share cats who pop in sometimes and that means food gets left out for them, which she snacks on.
In the past I could control her diet more accurately. I am working on a way to recapture that despite the time-share cats.

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And yes, she is overweight and yes again it is partly my fault. And partly her fault. She is a very static lady. And I iz a very lovin boy. One problem recently is that I am feeding 3 time share cats who pop in sometimes and that means food gets left out for them, which she snacks on.
In the past I could control her diet more accurately. I am working on a way to recapture that despite the time-share cats.
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Monday, 6 April 2009
Cat Olympics
It's the cat Olympics. This video is the cat equivalent of the 100 meters relay at the end of the Olympics, only there is no baton and a slight lack of cooperation, almost competition amongst the athletes, which is not going to improve their chances of winning. We'll have to get a trainer in.
If it is not a relay race it is tag wrestling. You know, the fake wrestling when there are two wrestlers on each side and they take turns. Bengal cats are known to be active and athletic. If there was a cat Olympics there would be a large number of Bengal cats in the team.
What other cats might make star athletes in the cat Olympics? All the wildcat hybrids would be there:
Now, the kind of cat that might, classically be a watcher, is the couch potato of cats, the Persian. The Persian, in any event would be unable to sustain any endurance due to poor breathing. I am talking about the modern flat faced Persian. Persian cat health.

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If it is not a relay race it is tag wrestling. You know, the fake wrestling when there are two wrestlers on each side and they take turns. Bengal cats are known to be active and athletic. If there was a cat Olympics there would be a large number of Bengal cats in the team.
What other cats might make star athletes in the cat Olympics? All the wildcat hybrids would be there:
- Savannah - a definite top cat
- Chausie - live wire
- Safari - rare
- See all the wildcat hybrids
Now, the kind of cat that might, classically be a watcher, is the couch potato of cats, the Persian. The Persian, in any event would be unable to sustain any endurance due to poor breathing. I am talking about the modern flat faced Persian. Persian cat health.
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Cats Playing Fetch
We all know dogs can be trained to play fetch. They do it "professionally", after all. I am thinking of gun dogs. Dogs are arguable more useful in a strictly utilitarian way. But cats playing fetch are all over the 'net and that athletic star, the cat with bling, the Bengal cat is the one most likely to be doing the fetching. This is because of the wild blood in the Bengal. They are wildcat hybrids and even the 4th generation cats from the wild, called SBT (Stud Book Tradition) cats have an estimated 12.5% wild blood.
The wildcats have to be smarter than domestic cats in order to survive and this ability it passed down to the hybrids which also include the Chausie and Savannah, for example. Here is a young spotted Bengal cat playing fetch with extreme discipline and proficiency. He is a frisky boy:
Who said cats can't be trained and be useful (not all Bengals need training - see comment above)? Siberians like NFCs are particularly good jumpers. And this shows in the video. Despite being a large cat and a tad overweight (no criticism intended) she or he jumps bl**dy well. Siberians are meant to be hypoallergenic. This is not true as there are no hypoallergenic cats unless we believe the Allerca cat story. See Fel D1 too.

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The wildcats have to be smarter than domestic cats in order to survive and this ability it passed down to the hybrids which also include the Chausie and Savannah, for example. Here is a young spotted Bengal cat playing fetch with extreme discipline and proficiency. He is a frisky boy:
Q: you have a nice house and a cute kitty! did you have to train it or does it just do that by itself? soo cuteeee~!But it doesn't just have to be Mr Bling who is the cat playing fetch. Here is a Siberian cat doing it just as well. Siberians look like Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest cats (NFCs) and may come from the same ancestors. He clearly loves this game as he is purring. And he plays with great vigor and enthusiasm:
A:Thanks :)
I didn't have to teach him..I think Bengals just naturally like to fetch..go figure.
They used to be quite expensive but now I think you can get one for like $200? Maybe even a free one at an animal shelter but I dont think many people would give one up..they're lots of fun :)
Who said cats can't be trained and be useful (not all Bengals need training - see comment above)? Siberians like NFCs are particularly good jumpers. And this shows in the video. Despite being a large cat and a tad overweight (no criticism intended) she or he jumps bl**dy well. Siberians are meant to be hypoallergenic. This is not true as there are no hypoallergenic cats unless we believe the Allerca cat story. See Fel D1 too.
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Sunday, 5 April 2009
Sleepy Persian Kitty
This is a cracking sleepy kitty video and I think the cat is a little sleepy Persian kitty. When I watch this I think of myself! Or any person usually older people. This behavior is so human. How often do we see this on the train, for instance.
What makes it extra cute is the position that this kitten is in when she or he falls asleep. You know, it is not the most comfortable position in the world. One minute he is peering over the edge of the basket and the next.....gone, gone to the world.
What makes it extra cute is the position that this kitten is in when she or he falls asleep. You know, it is not the most comfortable position in the world. One minute he is peering over the edge of the basket and the next.....gone, gone to the world.
Darling Small Cat Steals Huge Chicken
This is such a great video. Sure it is set up but the people have "directed" a little star in the making! The cat is a kitten by the looks of it and could be a Ragdoll mix or even purebred. Not sure from the video. Well she or he is "pointed" and has medium long hair. Definitely not Siamese type single coat hair. But forget the looks, look at the athletics! This little monkey makes it happen. She is a mover and shaker. Alan Sugar would be very impressed:
Darling Small Cat Steals Huge Chicken
And eats it all. Nah, not really but the video is intended to give that impression.

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Darling Small Cat Steals Huge Chicken
And eats it all. Nah, not really but the video is intended to give that impression.
Darling Small Cat Steals Huge Chicken to Home Page
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Stupid Cat Videos
These are educated stupid cat videos! What the hell is that? Well you've heard of the thinking mans crumpet. These are the thinking mans stupid cat videos. Well not exactly. The first one is so typical of cats that there is no doubt that the artist either keeps cats or knows someone who does. The pause before the cat comes in after spending all that time trying to get in is absolutely typical of my cat!
My cat also likes to knock on the cat flap and be let in rather than going through the flap. Here she is. This second one is not a stupid cat video but a smart cat video. She has figured out a way of getting in the easy way. It is more stupid human (me) video for always obliging.
I can highly recommend Simon's Cats, probably the best on YouTube because they portray the domestic as she truly is. And it is the human who is stupid. OK the next one is cute, fun and kinda sad all at the same time. The kitten wants to play with the older cat who is not that interested:
This next one is great to:
Cats do like to get into things, to nose around things but this boy is just like a circus act. He is almost doing it to entertain us! Cats are not actually being stupid. It's more carelessness born out of recklessness or unforeseen problems....! Yeh, stupid.
Stupid Cat Videos to YouTube broadsurf channel
My cat also likes to knock on the cat flap and be let in rather than going through the flap. Here she is. This second one is not a stupid cat video but a smart cat video. She has figured out a way of getting in the easy way. It is more stupid human (me) video for always obliging.
I can highly recommend Simon's Cats, probably the best on YouTube because they portray the domestic as she truly is. And it is the human who is stupid. OK the next one is cute, fun and kinda sad all at the same time. The kitten wants to play with the older cat who is not that interested:
This next one is great to:
Cats do like to get into things, to nose around things but this boy is just like a circus act. He is almost doing it to entertain us! Cats are not actually being stupid. It's more carelessness born out of recklessness or unforeseen problems....! Yeh, stupid.
Stupid Cat Videos to YouTube broadsurf channel
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i hate cats
i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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