Showing posts with label cat attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat attack. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Video of Siberian tigers killing guard dogs in Far East of Russia

'In my view, [increased tiger attacks are] associated with the destruction of the predator's habitats due to logging, excessive hunting of [the tiger's prey] and African swine fever, which has decimated the remaining wild boar population,' said zoologist Sergei Kolchin in environmental news outlet Kedr.
Putin prides himself in being a wildlife conservationist. He likes wild cats and has been photographed with a leopard. He likes to think of himself as a wildlife expert. He has promoted the conservation of the Siberian tiger which is the world's biggest cat. They are a larger species than the Bengal because they live in a cold climate. It is about evolution and reducing body heat by increasing mass compared to surface area.

It seems that conservation has gone wrong in the region around Vladivostok in the Far East of Russia where an estimated 400 Amur (Siberian) tigers live.

Video of Siberian tigers killing guard dogs in Far East of Russia
Siberian tiger attacking and killing a guard dog in Siberia. Image credit: see embedded credit bottom left of the image.

We don't know how many there are. Their home ranges (the territory that they call their own) are vast; much larger than for the Bengal tiger as their is more space, less people and the prey animals are less densely distributed.

Here is a map of the Siberian tiger distribution that I created years ago.

People are being killed by the tigers too:

In December, Viktor S was viciously mauled and killed in the Khabarovsk region in eastern Russia while he was looking for 'the place where his dog was killed', likely by the same animal. - Daily Mail
P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Leopard attacks cyclist in cycle lane

Although it is not clear what species of cat this is, it must be a leopard judging by its size and the markings indicate this too. Although the image quality is not great. The attack took place on the on Dehradun-Rishikesh Highway, India and both cat and human were lucky to come away unharmed.

Cyclist attacked by leopard but the leopard rapidly retreats when it realises that the attack was not working
Cyclist attacked by a leopard, but the leopard rapidly retreats when it realises that the attack was not working. Screenshot.

Perhaps the most noticeable aspect of this video is that the leopard failed in their attack and quickly retreated and disappeared into the jungle. 

The cat regarded the cyclist and the bike together as a prey animal obviously. When they hit the cyclist and the man at the same time it seems that the cat realised that this was not viable and gave up immediately. 

The attack must have been instinctive and then immediately on making contact the leopard change its mind sensing that the outcome may lead to injury to them. 

I think that can only be the assessment otherwise why would the cat give up so quickly and disappear even before the man retaliated?


Wednesday, 11 May 2022

7-year-old boy saves bird from attacks by family cat and dog

The boy had been given a couple of birds as a birthday present. They seem to have got out of their cage and as the family had a cat and dog already, these two companion animals were intrigued, particularly the cat, and we have the incident that you see in the video. The nice thing about the video is that the seven-year-old boy, who clearly loves animals, intervenes and does his best to push away the family cat who has apparently grabbed the bird in their jaws. Please note that these videos sometimes stop working because the original version on another website is removed.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Cat owner calls the police because her two cats were fighting and one of them attacked her

OMAHA, USA-NEWS AND COMMENT: This is, for me, a case of very poor cat management. It appears to me that the woman simply lost control. The story also points to the problems that can arise when you adopt a new cat into the home of a resident cat i.e. your first cat. It can go badly wrong.

Feline aggression. Generic image. Not the cat
Feline aggression. Generic image. Not the cat. Image: Pixabay.

In this instance a couple of cats living in an apartment near 37th and Dodge streets, were fighting. The 52-year-old woman owner tried to intervene but one of her cats retaliated when the owner called timeout. I'm not sure what that means in this instance but it seems that the owner tried to intervene and was quite strict with the cat in telling him off, who, rather than submitting, retaliated and attacked the woman.

RELATED: Famously violent cat ‘Lux’ may have been systematically abused by man living in the home.

As a consequence, the owner called the police for help. Mistake 🤔. What were the police going to and in any case, it was not a police matter? There was no crime. The woman then said that she was able to lock the aggressive cat in a bedroom. The woman received a multitude of superficial scratches and treated at hospital. The cat was taken into custody by officers from the Nebraska Humane Society. We are not told what happened to the cat. I hope he is rehomed.

Comment: it seems to me that this was a house where the two cats were not getting on. There was a fight and the owner tried to intervene without success. One of the cats fought back and scratched the lady. It all seems rather typical. The problem appears to have originated in incompatibility between two resident cats. The woman mishandled the "argument" between the cats.

It would have been better if she had simply placed one cat in one room and the other cat in another room to allow them to cool down and used thick gloves for protection. She could have tried some tricks to stop the confrontation such as introducing a favorite toy to play with and/or catnip and/or some treats. These may have cooled tempers and distracted the cats.

If there is an underlying and unresolvable hostility between the cat then she would have to seriously consider rehoming one of them. That would certainly resolve any simmering hostility between the two.

It was, in retrospect, ill-advised to try and tell off a cat that was in an aggressive confrontation with another cat. It may be the case that the aggressive cat transferred their aggressivity towards the lady in a kind of repositioned or redirected aggression. The aggression was meant to be made against the other cat but it ended up being made against the woman.

Friday, 3 December 2021

2 Indian leopard stories highlighting human-leopard conflict

Here are two common leopard stories from India which highlight the catastrophic human-leopard conflict in that vast country. They also remind us of the constant pressure on the leopard for habitat as it is being eroded year-on-year through human population growth and commercial activity. The leopard is being pushed off India. 

Leopard enters classroom in India
Leopard enters classroom in India. Screenshot.

There are countless conflicts between people and the leopard in India every year. The leopard invariably loses although, rarely a person is killed. The leopard becomes habituated to human settlements which endangers them and of course the people who lived in those settlements. Or, more likely, the people feel endangered. My interpretation of the news stories is that the leopard is almost invariably killed or if lucky tranquillised and removed. But the leopard often resorts to night-time activities to avoid humans.

Note: Below are an embedded video and tweet. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.


The first story concerns a leopard who wandered into a school and attacked a student. It seems that the student was the right size as a prey animal for a leopard. They do tend to attack kids (see the second story below). The student suffered minor injuries. He ran out of the classroom when he saw the leopard hiding there. The leopard was judged to be five years old. It was tranquilized and captured after an 11-hour effort. The officials say that the leopard strayed from a patch of forest nearby. This highlights the proximity of the leopard habitat to the human habitat. The video above shows the leopard wandering around the classroom.

Woman grabs her son from a leopard

A woman living in Madhya Pradesh tracked a leopard which had grabbed her eight year old son in its jaws and carried him off. She first put her other children in a safe place and then rushed into the forest to chase the leopard. The reports are rather vague but she tracked down the leopard after about 1 km and managed to grab her son from the leopard and bring him home. Villagers by that time had also intervened and chased away the leopard with sticks. The incident took place last Sunday in Badi Jharia village, in the buffer zone of the Sanjay Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh's Sidhi district, located over 500 from the state capital Bhopal.

Kiran the mother who fought a leopard
Kiran the mother who fought a leopard. Screenshot.

Here is the tweet:

काल के हाथों से बच्चे को निकाल कर नया जीवन देने वाली मां को प्रणाम। प्रदेश के सीधी जिले में तेंदुए का एक किमी दूर पीछा कर मां अपने कलेजे के टुकड़े के लिए उससे भिड़ गईं। मौत से टकराने का ये साहस ममता का ही अद्भुत स्वरूप है। मां श्रीमती किरण बैगा का प्रदेशवासियों की तरफ से अभिनंदन।

Translation per Google (not great :-? )

Salutations to the mother who took out the child from the hands of time and gave her a new lease of life. The mother chased the leopard a km away in Sidhi district of the state and confronted her for a piece of her liver. This courage to hit death is a wonderful form of Mamta. Greetings to Mother Smt.

The brave woman's name is Kiran. An Indian new website, NDTV, reports that she was sitting beside a fire with her three children to keep them warm inside her hut. The leopard appeared and instantly caught hold of her son Rahul in its jaws and dragged him away. The mother kept her cool. She tried to scare the leopard away with a stick and also raised the alarm. It seems that the leopard became scared and left the child. When she took her child into her arms the cat attacked her. She overpowered the cat. Luckily the boy received relatively minor injuries. They were taken to a primary healthcare unit for treatment. The forestry department agreed to bear the expenses of their treatment.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Owner deliberately provokes kitten to attack her hand and arm

This is a deliberately provoked attack by the kitten's owner on her hand. You can see her offering her hand to the kitten in a way which is bound to provoke an attack, in my view. The owner knows this and expects it. She films the action as it unfolds. 

Screenshot. Sorry for the poor quality.

This is great and all very well. However, this wouldn't work for an adult cat because she would be hurt. If you have an adult cat clinging onto your arm and hand like that they will rake your arm with their hind legs and bite your hand in their jaws. The prey killing behaviour of a domestic cat. This kitten is killing their owner's hand. 😊

You're going to get injured to a certain extent dependent upon the athleticism and commitment of the individual cat. And of course it depends upon how keen on hunting the cat is. Some domestic cats are quite mild-mannered and not that interested in hunting while others, such as my cat, are very adept hunters and enjoy hunting every day. 

I apologise to the wildlife conservationists about that. However, he only or nearly only catches mice and keeps down the rodent population. I don't think wildlife conservationists can criticise me under those circumstances.

There is a wider issue in fact. In doing this you are training your kitten to attack your hand. I don't think it is wise for cat owners to use their hands and arms as play toys for their cat. It tends to create a bad habit in their cat which can lead to injury. Perhaps the person won't mind but they will eventually. 👎

ASSOCIATED: Masochist allows cat to damage their hand?

Cat owner allows their cat to extensively bite and scratch their hand. Photo in public domain.
Cat owner allows their cat to extensively bite and scratch their hand. Photo in public domain.

I can remember a picture of a hand that had been badly scratched and it was if the owner of that hand was a masochist because they constantly allowed their cat to scratch it. It was not a pretty sight and I reproduce the photograph above.

Monday, 5 July 2021

One domestic cat in India put eight people in hospital!

NEWS AND COMMENT - DALAIPETA, INDIA: The Indian news media reports on something astonishing but I don't have a lot of detail to allow a decent analysis but here it is. In a village in India called Dalaipeta, which is towards the north-east coast of the country, it's reported that a domestic cat went on a mad attacking spree at midnight. 

Scared cat fights back
Scared cat fights back. This is not the cat in the story because we don't have pictures but I expect the cat that injured 8 people behaved like the cat illustrated. Picture in public domain.

The cat attacked eight people leaving them with minor injuries requiring medical attention at a hospital in Dalaipeta village. The police officer said that "A mad cat did attack people indiscriminately in Dalaipeta village and seven people require treatment in a nearby hospital whereas one person was admitted in Chinameringi CHC."

They say that the cat went on a biting spree at Saturday midnight. The cat then vanished. One official thought that the cat bit the people out of fear or they had consumed something intoxicating from the forest. They will increase their surveillance of the area to avoid another attack. No one has mentioned rabies which is a possibility and because it has not been mentioned I will ignore that possibility.

Comment: I'm going to have to guess what happened. And I think it's not too difficult actually to guess reasonably that the cause of this domestic cat attack is the behaviour of the people concerned. I suspect it all started off fairly innocent with one person mishandling the cat which provoked him or her to attack defensively. 


Then his friend stepped in and maybe attacked the cat and so the cat attacked that person as well. Then others became involved and there was a melee and at the centre was this poor cat. The animal must have been terrified and I suspect there was violence on both sides until the cat ran away.

I think that those are the only circumstances under which I would have thought a domestic cat would be attacking eight people unless it was rabid. It is almost impossible to envisage such a scenario. Domestic cats simply do not do this unless heavily provoked. And I am, by the way, making the presumption that this is a domestic cat without further information. I think that, too, is a reasonable supposition because feral cats normally run away from people and this cat got very close, close enough to do some damage.

I suspect, too, that the injured people went to hospital as a precaution but if you get bitten by a cat, even if it is quite a nasty bite, you don't automatically go to Accident & Emergency in your nearest hospital. You watch your wound and wait to see whether an infection develops and if it does you immediately see your doctor for antibiotics which cures it 100% of the time. And you do that promptly.

I've got to deduce, therefore, that it is likely that these people dived into hospital unnecessarily but nobody can criticise them for it because they were taking precautions without knowing more about the potential issues.

Note: We are told that at this time the hospitals are flooded with Covid-19 victims as the pandemic is out of control in India. Attending hospital for a cat bite would be a bad idea under these circumstances.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Terrifying moment Siberian tiger in China rams into car and knocks over farm worker

This video confirms that the Siberian tiger exists in China. If it does exist in China it has to be right up at the north-eastern tip of China near Vladivostok in Russia. The specialists are not sure if this tiger had wandered across from Russia because the area above Vladivostok is the prime area where the Siberian Tiger is found. There is a very precarious popution of Siberian tigers of around 540 as at 2017. But this will be an estimate. It might be inaccurate. Politically they want the number to be climbing. I don't believe we can trust the figure.

Terrifying moment Siberian tiger in China rams into car and knocks over farm worker
Terrifying moment Siberian tiger in China rams into car and knocks over farm worker. Screenshot.

This was an interesting story because this large Siberian tiger was on the rampage in a village and you get that distinct impression in the video. The people who encountered the tiger were terrified. The animal saunters across a field and attacks a woman farmworker, Li Chunxiang, but simply knocks her down and then carries on rather unusually it seems to me. Sh said she was dumbfounded. 

Shattered glass of drivers side window caused by charging Siberian tiger in northeast China
Shattered glass of drivers side window caused by charging Siberian tiger in northeast China

Then the tiger charges at a car which tries to get away but the tiger rams into the window with, I presume, it's face, breaking the glass. Perhaps the tiger wanted to attack the driver behind the glass and did not see the glass. I suspect the tiger hurt itself slightly, at least.

The tiger was eventually captured after about 12 hours of causing mayhem in this village by darting it with a tranquilliser. It was tracked with a drone (see photo above). The Chinese specialists were going to check out the animal's DNA and do other research on the tiger before, I presume, releasing it.

Note: videos on this site are typically made by people other than me and held on YouTube servers or the servers of other businesses (not the server storing this website). Sometimes the videos are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened I apologise but I have no control over it.

I have another page on this which you can read by clicking this link.

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Chicken defends a fellow chicken against a farm cat attack

The video is called 'Chicken Solidarity'. It is exactly that. The well fed black-and-white farm cat attacks a chicken. The others chickens run away at the horror of it all but one brave chicken charges at the cat to stop the attack. This causes the cat to turn his attention onto the chicken rescuer and attack, which in turn prompts the original chicken victim to save his mate. It is a great example of chicken cooperation in the face of adversity. Chickens are smarter than people believe.

There is one caveat to my commentary. It is not altogether clear that the cat mounted serious attacks with the intention of killing. They are on a farm and I am sure they know each other. I think they sort of get along normally but the cat's innate hunting instincts take over at the sight of birds and he attacks.

Remember someone filmed it and it's probably the farmer's wife. Why didn't they intervene to stop the initial attack? Perhaps they know something that we don't.

Chicken defends a fellow chicken against a farm cat attack
 Chicken defends a fellow chicken against a farm cat attack. Screenshot.

Note: videos on this site are typically made by people other than me and held on YouTube servers or the servers of other businesses (not the server storing this website). Sometimes the videos are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened I apologise but I have no control over it.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Cat News Stories Can Be Drivel

How many stories about cats have you read that are quite frankly drivel. The cat is not only vulnerable on the streets of many cities, it is also vulnerable to exploitation by news media. I think this is an extension of the celebrity cat phenomenon. It all started off with funny cat videos and LOL cats. When is it going to end?

In this instance, we have a local British newspaper called the Norwich Evening News reporting "Aylsham residents terrorised by attacking cat". It is almost as if we have been transported to the midwest of America describing a mountain lion prowling around the suburbs of some nondescript town terrorising God-fearing residents. But no. This is a small, black and white domestic cat, possibly unneutered, who spends a lot of time outside, as often happens in Britain.

We are informed that there had been two cat attacks in this sleepy town. In one, an old lady was knocked over in her back garden by this "aggressive animal" who bit her leg. The cat was probably defending himself. Domestic cats don't attack people without reason.

Helen Copperthwaite, who is 65 years of age says:
“I have seen the cat around in my garden and was amazed at how aggressive it was. It turned on me and started to hiss and growl like it was going to fight.”
The cat is described as being distinctive having white paws and white chest. This is not a distinctive domestic cat! This is a standard black-and-white cat - a tuxedo cat, in fact. Often the paws of the cat are white when the cat carries the piebald gene which is also called the white spotting gene.

I'm afraid that I agree with one of the visitors who has commented on this article in which he stated that it is drivel. It is simply the case of a newspaper that has temporarily run out of something to say and in these situations both the domestic cat and the big cat tends to pop into the minds of reporters.

In America they would probably have euthanised it for being rabid.

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i hate cats

i hate cats, no i hate f**k**g cats is what some people say when they dislike cats. But they nearly always don't explain why. It appe...

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