
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Tech gurus should be prioritising the development of AI to reliably detect child abuse images and block them

Huw Edwards' recent arrest for possessing child abuse image, several of which were category A, the worst kind that were sent to him on an app on his phone brings to mind the question as to whether AI can detect these images and prevent them being transmitted over the internet in one form or another. 

AI should be able to detect these images and block them thereby curb the activities of these paedophiles. AI should also be able to provide evidence on the people transmitting these images and creating them. 

One commenter on the BBC said that AI could stop these images. But my research came up with a different answer.

My research using AI came up with the following:

Absolutely, tech gurus should prioritize the development of AI to reliably detect child abuse images.

Given the rapid evolution of technology and its misuse for nefarious purposes, AI presents a crucial tool in combating this horrific crime. Here's why:

  • Scale and Speed: AI can process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, enabling the detection of harmful content before it's widely disseminated.
  • Accuracy Improvement: Continued development can significantly enhance AI's ability to differentiate between innocent and harmful images, reducing false positives and negatives.
  • Proactive Approach: By staying ahead of the curve, AI can help prevent the creation and distribution of such materials.
  • Supporting Law Enforcement: Advanced AI can provide invaluable support to law enforcement agencies in investigations and prosecutions.

However, it's essential to approach this challenge holistically. While AI is a powerful tool, it's not a silver bullet. A multi-faceted approach involving:  

  • Stronger laws and regulations
  • Increased public awareness
  • Collaboration between tech companies, law enforcement, and child protection organizations

Is equally crucial for effectively addressing this issue.

Challenges and Techniques in AI Detection of Child Abuse Images


Developing AI capable of reliably detecting child abuse images is a formidable task due to several factors:

  • Image Manipulation: Sophisticated techniques like deepfakes and image editing make it increasingly difficult to identify authentic and manipulated content.
  • Data Scarcity: A limited amount of publicly available labeled data for training AI models is a significant hurdle.
  • Ethical Considerations: Accessing and processing sensitive images raises ethical concerns about privacy and potential harm to victims.
  • Real-time Detection: The need for rapid identification of new and evolving threats requires AI systems capable of real-time analysis.

Potential Techniques

Despite these challenges, significant progress has been made in developing AI solutions. Some key techniques include:

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): These are particularly effective in image recognition tasks, capable of identifying patterns and features indicative of child abuse.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs can be used to generate synthetic images for training and testing AI models, addressing the data scarcity issue.
  • Hashing Algorithms: These can be used to create unique identifiers for images, allowing for rapid comparison and detection of known abusive content.
  • Federated Learning: This approach allows multiple organizations to collaborate on AI model development without sharing sensitive data, addressing privacy concerns.

Additional Considerations

  • Human-in-the-Loop: Integrating human experts into the AI decision-making process can improve accuracy and reduce false positives/negatives.
  • Continuous Learning: AI models should be continually updated with new data to adapt to evolving threats.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Clear guidelines and regulations are essential to ensure responsible AI development and usage.
P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Phrase “cat lady” reached an all-time high on Google thanks to Vance

JD Vance was and probably is still in trouble with presidential candidate Donald Trump because he made an enormous faux pas and criticising independent women living with cats by insulting them as "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they've made". Plainly misogynistic. He is now backpedalling as is Donald Trump by saying that he is just concerned about Americans not creating families because the country needs families and a family way of life. 

Phrase “cat lady” reached an all-time high on Google thanks to Vance
'Cat lady' interest surged. This is a Google Trends chart. Click on the image to see is much larger (desktop).

And Donald Trump supported his running mate by saying the same thing namely that JD Vance is a family man and thinks that the family way of life is very important to America. This is to be expected from a declared Christian which is what JD Vance is but I've argued that he doesn't behave like a good Christian.

That's the introduction but the interesting aspect of this is that Google tells us that there was a massive surge in people searching for articles about "cat lady". The search term "cat lady" became incredibly popular and I have embedded on this page Google's trends graph which shows you that in America it climbed steadily and then peeked out on July 26, 2024. Unsurprising perhaps but nice to see it confirmed.

Cat ladies have never been more in the news thanks to the misogynistic, potential future vice president. But they've always been in the news one way or another and they always been denigrated. This means that JD Vance was repeating the same stereotypical image of independent-minded women living with cats without a husband. It was so stereotypical it was a clichΓ©. It was tiresome. It was thoughtless. It was mindless and as mentioned misogynistic.

If you asked childless cat ladies living in America if they were miserable or not the vast majority would probably say that they are not. Some are probably happier than women living with a husband and family pets. They might not be but independent childless ladies living with cats are just as likely to be content as anybody else.

Living alone with domestic cats, with friends in a social circle, is a very nice way to live. People do need to network in my opinion, to have human friends as well as feline friends but when you go return to your home having engaged in a bit of socialisation with your friends, it is nice to be alone with your cats, reading a book or watching television or sitting in the backyard soaking up the setting sun.

It is nice to enjoy a bit of solitude. A lot of people like living alone, with themselves. Although the human is essentially a social creature, we are not wedded to that cultural and inherited characteristic.

Also, J.D. Vance's remarks are very hurtful for people who can't have children. And there are many women and men who find it difficult to live with a partner. Maybe they want to live with a human partner. They would prefer if they could but their personality and character prevents it for one reason or another. Perhaps they have tried living with a person of either gender and has not worked out so they decided to live alone and fill that void with a companion animal. That's okay and their lifestyle should be respected.

Vance should not be unkind towards these people. They are doing their best. And they find a lot of solace and enjoyment in living with a domestic cat or cats. We should be sensitive towards them not insensitive and thoughtless as is the case with J.D. Vance.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Why are two girls going to prison for putting some soup on a picture frame?

Personally, I thoroughly admire the couple of young ladies, Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland who threw tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh's painting "Sunflowers". They are brave. They going to go to prison for putting a bit of tomato soup over the frame to this painting. Yes, the frame might be quite valuable but £10,000? That's what we have heard it's going to cost to repair it. I think that's highly inflated.
We're not criminals by Michael Broad


And the reason why this particular painting is so valuable - worth hundreds of millions of pounds probably - is because billionaire investors invest in paintings. The day it was painted it was pretty well valueless. The only reason why iconic paintings have very high value is because they are effective investments and the only people who can invest in them are billionaires. Not great, is it?

They don't have an inherent value other than there are nice pictures to entertain us. This couple of young ladies don't think that they are criminals. I agree with them. What they've done is to highlight climate change which people like to shove under the carpet and forget about. They want to shock people into thinking about climate change and be shocked by it.

Why are we fretting about the frame to a painting? What's the big deal? Even if the painting was damaged which it hasn't been it still wouldn't be a big issue because we are talking about an existential threat to the planet about which the politicians are still arguing 30 years after the COP meetings began. It's all talk and no walk.

It's no wonder you get intelligent ladies like these who want to actually kickstart politicians into doing something. I can add a further quotes from Phoebe Plummer.
"That painting was protected by glass. But the fact is millions of people in the global south aren't protected. As young people our own futures aren't protected. That shocked reaction is because it is something beautiful, and you have that feeling of wanting to protect something beautiful, something valuable, of not wanting to see it be destroyed. Where is that sentiment when it's our planet? When it's our environment? When it's people whose lives are being destroyed?"
They chose this particular painting for the shock value. They needed to get into people's heads; to create some anger and to engage people.

The judge said that they "came within the width of a pane of glass of destroying one of the most valuable artworks in the world". That statement is pointless. It's stating the obvious. We know the painting was protected by glass. These girls knew that. The painting wasn't damaged. I don't see the issue. I just think the whole thing's been overhyped and it's been reactionary by the establishment.

And the establishment is failing people. The establishment is failing young people particularly because they have to live with climate change. Most of the establishment is older people who probably won't suffer from climate change that much. Certainly far less than young people and the children of young people today. It's about the future. It's about protecting the future.

The problem is that the establishment like short-term fixes. They cannot get their heads around long-term policies and long-term problem solving. Perhaps it's because it's not politically expedient. It's not politically effective to think long term. And therefore they brush the problem under the carpet. And there's far too much self interest between countries. The whole thing is bogged down in human deficiencies and stupidity. That's why I support these ladies. They have got people talking and that's their objective. Don't punish them for that. Praise them.

And what about cats? Well, what about us? What about cat caregivers? If climate change is an existential threat to the planet it is an existential threat to nature and the wildlife that lives within nature. It's a threat to all of us including our companion animals. It's the single most important topic to discuss on the planet today but it is not happening enough.

"The world’s climate, particularly in Africa, has changed substantially during the past few decades, contributed by several human activities. Africa is one of the continents that is most vulnerable to climate change globally. Since the beginning of 2022, extreme weather events in Africa have affected about 19 million people and killed at least 4,000 individuals. Cyclones, floods, heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, and famine were among the severe weather occurrences. Natural disasters and extreme weather events brought on by climate change may compromise access to clean water, sanitation systems, and healthcare facilities, making people more vulnerable to a number of illnesses. Floods and drought can lead to both communicable and non-communicable diseases. The African population is more likely to experience more mental health disorders than before because of natural disasters, which result in the loss of property and sometimes loss of lives more frequently. We, therefore, call for an improved implementation of strategies to prevent the health effects of climate change so that the health of the people in Africa can be maintained." - Health effects of climate change in Africa: A call for an improved implementation of prevention measures.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Monday 29 July 2024

Most dangerous dog is the one that hasn't been trained properly and lacks a leader

Will Atherton, shares dog training tips on TikTok (@iamwillatherton) where he has more than 900,000 followers. What he says about dangerous dogs matches that of Nathan Winograd and other genuine dog experts. 
Leadership is Love - Will Atherton
It is not about the breed but about strong leadership from the owner and proper training as any breed or non-purebred dog can be dangerous with the larger dogs being able to inflict greater damage. Size counts in that respect but the underlying issue will not be about breeds but human behaviour.
Incidentally, the same story relates to domestic cats. Many years ago I wrote an essay about cat behaviour and said it comes down to human behaviour! It sounds wrong and strange but read the essay and see what you think: Essay on Cat Behavior – Michael Broad (

Most dangerous dog is the one that hasn't been trained properly and lacks a leader
Will Atherton, shares dog training tips on TikTok (@iamwillatherton). Screenshot from one of his videos. I can't find the one where he gives advice about dangerous dog breeds and poor training.

He says, "When I get asked this question all the time, of 'what is the most dangerous breed?', yes there might be a few different breeds I could give the answer to, but the reality is that the most dangerous breed is the one that hasn't been trained properly. The one that doesn't have a loving leader in its life, able to navigate and direct it through life safely."

Will said any dog can be dangerous, be it small or big. He continued: "All dogs have the ability to bite. All dogs have the ability to be dangerous. Yes, the bigger and stronger they are, the harm that they can cause is more significant. But the reality is, if you don't train your dog properly, you could very well have a dangerous dog - no matter whether it's a chihuahua, all the way up to an English mastiff."

Some dog breeds get a bad press and some get bad owners. The American XL Bully has been allegedly trained by irresponsible people to be aggressive. They want the dog to be aggressive. The founder of the XL Bully insists that the breed was not meant to be aggressive and it is the fault of individuals not the dog itself.

I was bitten by a Scottie, a small dog because the owner walking the dog was not in control as a pack leader should be.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

I love to see a Middle Eastern woman in a hijab taking quality photos

I am not quite sure I like it but I love to see Middle Eastern women taking quality photographs. Here we have a video promoting the Leica camera and a Middle Eastern lady in a hijab using a Leica M11. The impression is that she is a serious photographer because only a serious photographer would use a Leica M11 on account of the fact they are bloody expensive. But it is more than that. Leica cameras create great images if you are a good photographer. It is a very fine photographic tool.

I love to see a Middle Eastern woman in a hijab taking quality photos
She is using a Leica M11 in the desert. Great. She is holding the camera nicely which indicates a competent photographer.

The reason why I like it is - I believe - because I like to see women in general expressing their artistic desires. We so often see men as the primary photographers; the creative ones, but there are some great female photographers. So this is about equality and I am very keen on equality.

And in the Middle East the impression I get is that women lead lives in the shadow of men. They appear to be a bit second class albeit they live good lives within that context because of the high value economy.

So it is nice to see then expressing themselves in doing something they love. Sort of breaking free of the role that is perhaps expected of them. A low-profile life, which does not ruffle feathers in any way.

Serious photographers can ruffle feathers as they can photograph things that are near the bone. A bit difficult to discuss and address. So once again, for me, seeing a serious Middle Eastern photographer taking photos is nice because it signals that she has a mind of her own and demands equality. A woman with a strong mind. 

In places like Iran it would probably be impossible to take photos with a Leica M11! You'd be too ostentatious. Too visible. You'd be a marked person. I am not sure if Iranian women are allowed to take street photographers. Probably not. What do you think?

I like women with strong minds. Intelligent women. Women who see themselves as equals in a society that tends to demand that they are not equal to me judging by the reports that we get in the West. And if they are good or even great photographers as well my admiration is strengthened.

Here is some information about women's rights in the Middle East from Google Gemini:

The situation of women's rights in the Middle East is complex and varies significantly across countries. While some nations have made notable progress, others continue to grapple with deeply ingrained patriarchal norms and legal systems that discriminate against women.

Progress and Reforms:

  • Legal Changes: Several countries have enacted reforms aimed at enhancing women's rights. These include:
    • Relaxing guardianship laws, granting women more freedom of movement and decision-making power.
    • Increasing women's access to education and employment.
    • Strengthening laws against domestic violence and sexual harassment.
  • Social and Cultural Shifts: There's a growing women's rights activism movement across the region, advocating for change and raising awareness about gender inequality.
  • Economic Empowerment: More women are entering the workforce and participating in the economy, leading to greater financial independence.

Challenges and Setbacks:

  • Deep-rooted Patriarchy: Traditional gender roles and societal norms often perpetuate discrimination against women.
  • Legal Disparity: Despite reforms, many countries still have discriminatory laws regarding marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody.
  • Violence Against Women: Domestic violence, sexual harassment, and femicide remain prevalent issues in many countries.
  • Limited Political Representation: Women are underrepresented in political leadership and decision-making positions.

Specific Examples:

  • Saudi Arabia: Has witnessed significant reforms in recent years, including allowing women to drive, work without male guardian permission, and attend educational institutions. However, challenges remain in areas like women's inheritance rights and freedom of movement.   1. Saudi Arabia: Proposed Reforms Neglect Basic Rights - Human Rights Watch
  • Iran: Women have a history of activism and have fought for their rights, leading to achievements in education and the workforce. However, they face restrictions on dress code, freedom of movement, and legal rights in areas like marriage and divorce.
  • Other Countries: The situation varies widely. Some countries like Lebanon and Tunisia have relatively progressive laws on paper, but enforcement and social attitudes remain obstacles. Others, like Yemen and Syria, are engulfed in conflict, exacerbating the vulnerabilities of women and girls.

Overall, while there have been positive developments, the path towards gender equality in the Middle East is still fraught with challenges. Progress is uneven, and much work remains to be done to ensure that women and girls have equal rights and opportunities across the region.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Unrelentingly kind, Oxford-educated mum got four years' jail because she rented a safe house to Just Stop Oil

OPINION: Louise Lancaster is described by Theo, her son, as "unrelentingly kind". He added that, "In almost any situation she will put others first." Louise Lancaster is the kind of person who is the backbone of  Britain.

She studied maths at Oxford. She is smart and decent and normal and is the kind of person that Britain should be proud of and protect. But she was jailed for four years because she rented a safe house for Just Stop Oil, the group campaigning against the government's inactivity to deal with climate change properly.

Unrelentingly kind, Oxford-educated mum got four years' jail because she rented a safe house to Just Stop Oil
Louise Lancaster and family in a selfie. Image: Louise Lancaster on the left.

Other protesters were jailed for four years and the organiser, Roger Hallam, was jailed for five years. This was a peaceful protest. It is unheard of to be jailed for five or four years for a peaceful protest. Her ex-husband, Tim, said that she expected to be convicted and jailed and was prepared for it emotionally. And she prepared her family for it as well. Because she was thinking of others again.

Nevertheless the family was shocked at the sentence. Tim said: "To get a sentence that is way longer than you would get for violent crime [the average UK sentence for violent crime is 21.6 months]. It feels terribly unjust."

Destruction of democracy in the UK in silencing climate change campaigners

The sentencing took place under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 which was amended to allow for harsher punishments to these sorts of protesters. For people like me, the increased power to judges to hand out more severe punishments for peace protests is almost a fascist act. It's drifting towards a Russia-like situation. It's entirely unacceptable.

It did not come naturally for Louise Lancaster to be involved in a Just Stop Oil protest campaign. She just felt something had to be done about the lack of activity in dealing with global warming. She must have given it a hell of a lot of thought. Initially both Louise and her husband joined marches and signed petitions and wrote to their MP.

They thought people were noticing but they decided that they weren't and at one stage, Louise said to her husband: "Look, we did all of that and nothing changed. We have to do something else."

About 2020 she started to see non-violent direct action as a way of getting the government's attention. And so she became involved in Just Stop Oil's activities. It led to 4 years in jail which I would think will be commuted to 2 years or even less. She is quite happy to be in jail actually and has got her vegan diet organised in prison at last.

She has reassured her kids and has a smile on her face. When her kids saw her off when she went to prison they gave her a hug. Verity, her daughter, burst into tears while "Mum broke into a massive smile".

She told Verity that she was going to be fine and that she will be helping other women in prison fill out forms and would do some online courses and work on her pullups!

She is a lovely woman and this horrendous judge, Judge Christopher Hehir, did the government's bidding and put her in prison for four years because she rented a safe house for the campaigners. She also organised some climbing equipment. She was behind the scenes. She's now front and centre in the mainstream news.

And everything she's done and the punishment she received SCREAMS injustice. Britain has become an unjust place riddled with petty crime. The police don't tackle any shoplifting and they hardly tackle burglaries. Theft, fraud and even large-scale crime is rampant in the UK and it is undermining society. Almost none of it goes punished but Louise Lancaster was severely punished for trying to tell the government to do something about global warming. It is turning justice on its head.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Woke movement has shifted our tolerance of cruelty in chasing perfection in competition

The woke movement is an evolving phenomenon. It originally meant being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. It's use expanded to encompass awareness of various social inequalities including sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression.

In 2024, 'woke' is often associated with social justice activism and progressive politics. Focusing on identity politics and systemic issues like white privilege and advocacy for marginalised groups and challenging social norms. 

The word "woke" has become divisive. Some people dislike it; others support it passionately. It's an important concept and it has altered society in Western countries. Supporters emphasise its importance in highlighting injustice while critics view it as promoting excessive sensitivity or political correctness.

But in my view, its meaning has broadened and it's influence has broadened to encompass the lowering of acceptance of abuse and cruelty in chasing perfection in competition.

This can be seen in various ways currently with the castigation of Charlotte Dujardin who used a lunging whip to abuse a horse when training in dressage. It was horse abuse, no doubt about it and objectionable but the horse was not hurt and Charlotte Dujardin's achievements have been trashed. She's been banned from competing in the Paris Olympics, she lost the chance to achieve another gold medal and she has lost her funding by the UK authorities.

What she did was not unusual. Deploying a long whip to train a horse to raise its feet in a stationary trot called the piaffe is not unusual but she overdid it. There are other aspects of dressage which are today probably deemed unacceptable such as the position of the head which is alleged to damaged ligaments and impede breathing. This was seen as a fair practice; now it is not.

As an extension of that, in the Paris Games, modern pentathletes will ride horses for the last time. At Los Angeles in 2028, the equestrian event will be replaced by an obstacle course of high walls, rope swings and scramble nets. The change came about because in 2021 a trainer punched a horse called Saint Boy. A scandal followed and Los Angeles threatened to drop the whole sport. This ended the 19th century concept of the pentathlon using a horse.

We can extend the concept of woke further because in the UK, the BBC's most popular show, Strictly Come Dancing, is going through an existential crisis because three professional dancers have been implicated in abusive treatment of their amateur, celebrity competitors when training them too hard. One complained and then another complained and the professional dancers are being investigated. They've lost their contracts with the BBC and their careers are harmed.

At the moment there's been no findings by the investigation and therefore these are allegations but the cultural change brought about by the woke movement has, I believe, infiltrated areas such as this BBC show and altered the mindset of the competitors to the point where they will no longer accept what they perceive as bulling and abuses, as inequality, as unfairness, when seeking dancing perfection. It's a change in societal norms in the competitive areas of life and entertainment.

The argument is that people in general and those that watch these competitions should be prepared to accept lower standards in the interests of protecting the welfare of horses in the case of the Olympics and the celebrity competitors in the case of Strictly Come Dancing. It's a fine balance between seeking excellence and how far you go in that quest and how much you put competitors through in achieving excellence.

In the case of people they will do it voluntarily initially. In the case of horses and other animals it's even more important because they do not give their consent. 

I would argue that the Dujardin alleged abuse is more fundamentally wrong than any abuse against a person in seeking perfection and that would apply to many other Olympians such as those representing China. 

Chinese gymnasts are picked at a very young age. The take them young and shape them as children putting through highly rigorous training programs leading to physical punishments and injuries. China can do this because it's a quasi-dictatorship. People do what they're told to do and they become accepting of it.

But in the West, in democracies, they have the power of self-expression due to equalities bestowed by the democratic process emboldened by the woke movement.

Postscript: in the paper today there is a story about Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest man. It actually concerns one of his offspring, his boy who transgendered to become his daughter and who has named herself Vivian Jenna Wilson. Musk said that his son "had been killed" by the "woke mind virus". He claims that he has lost his son and that he is dead and he blames the woke movement. His daughter, Jenna, blames him for being an absent and cruel father who criticised her femininity and queerness. An example of the way that the "woke" concept polarises people's views including within a family to the point where the family is broken.

Key Points:

  • There's no single, universally agreed-upon definition of "woke."
  • Its usage is often subjective and depends on the speaker's perspective.
  • The term has become a lightning rod in cultural and political debates.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Friday 26 July 2024

Child rapist allowed to compete at Olympics while an equestrian who gently whipped a horse is banned?


This is a short note on something which troubled Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning. LBC is a popular British radio station and Nick Ferrari is a very popular, long-standing presenter on that station. He saw a disconnect or a lack of equality in the way two Olympians have been treated by the authorities.

Charlotte Dujardin is all over the news because she was secretly videoed using a lunging whip on a horse being trained for dressage, ridden by a young rider. This is a very long whip which might at worst sting a horse but it's a fairly benign training instrument which is an extension of the arms. That said she made a terrible mistake in whipping this trainee horse. She admitted it. But her illustrious career as a former gold medallist is in tatters because of the revelation.

She's been banned from going for another gold medal which would have made her Britain’s most decorated female Olympian in her own right. And she has lost funding from the UK authorities. Her reputation is in tatters as mentioned.

She's not been been charged with any animal welfare offence. And therefore she not been found guilty of a crime. Although we don't know whether she regularly used that kind of whipping treatment in her training programs. There is no suggestion that she did but the fact that she was filmed doing it might arguably indicate that she has used the method before.

What did Charlotte Dujardin do to force her to withdraw from the Olympics? - click this for her full story.

But set against that bleak picture for Charlotte Dujardin, we have the story of Steven van de Veld, a convicted child rapist who was convicted of raping a British 12-year-old girl in 2016. He was subsequently tried and convicted and has been punished according to the law. And he's allowed to compete at the Paris Olympics. The IOC is facing calls for an investigation into how a convicted child rapist has been allowed to compete at these games.

There is growing outrage at the presence of Steven van de Velde in the volleyball competition. Some senior people believe that it is irresponsible of the authorities to allow him there. It sends the wrong signal to the world at large. And there's an argument that even though he has served his sentence and been punished he should not be allowed to compete because the Olympic Games is about creating a harmonious environment. It's about promoting high standards. It's about excellence in sport and in general behaviour. These are top athletes who are influencers.

Many of them who are awarded gold medals will be strong influencers in the future of young people in particular and this underscores the need for them to be of good character.

There is an argument for banning Van de Velde from the Olympics and if that had happened it would put him in line with the ban of Charlotte Dujardin. It would make more sense. At the moment there seems to be a high degree of inequality between these two athletes and the application of different standards.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Do cat deterrent 'Doff Stop Cats and Dogs Scatter Granules' work?

Doff STOP Cat and Dog Scatter Granules cost £3.97 at Asda, which is a very small price to pay if you are a gardener and you don't like neighbourhood cats coming onto your garden. You will find countless numbers of tricks and tips about stopping cats coming onto gardens. 

Does cat deterrent 'Doff Stop Cats and Dogs Scatter Granules' work? Not very well or hardly at all is my opinion based on reviews.
Does cat deterrent 'Doff Stop Cats and Dogs Scatter Granules' work? Not very well or hardly at all is my opinion based on reviews.

I think the whole thing is overhyped myself because the best way to do it is by shouting at a wandering cat and looking aggressive but not harming the cat. This will put them off and eventually they won't come back as the link the place with danger. Or the ultrasonic deterrent is the best, working about half the time (see link below).

Do ultrasonic cat deterrents work? - click on this link for info about a pretty go deterrent and there are some other links below for more info.

But this particular product is currently in the news so I thought I'd just check it out. The claims are no doubt slightly extravagant and one has to be sceptical about cat and dog repellents.

In years of studying these products, I can say pretty confidently that most of them don't work very well or hardly at all. The news media like to report on them. And that assessment would apply to this product.

Real, sensible backyard cat deterrents without gimmicks - click for a sensible discussion.

I chose Amazon on as my source of reviews where the product achieves 3.4 out of 5 which is poor. A lot of the reviews report that it didn't work. The ones that gave four or five stars said that they thought it worked but they posted their review quite early on and therefore were unsure as to the long term benefits.

Rue is a plant that may work as a cat deterrent when crushed

And they are granules so if it rains they going to be damaged and ineffective I would guess. They're designed to last for a fairly short time anyway and they work by giving off a highly perfumed odour which is meant to deter cats and dogs.

Odour repellents of all kinds are not that effective despite the sensitivity of the noses of both cats and dogs partly because the fade quite quickly in time.

Cats and dogs are meant to find the smell 'repulsive' but being sceptical as I am I doubt it applies to all cats anyway. Perhaps if a cat smelled the granules from about 2 inches some cats might be repelled and disgusted but does it apply to all domestic cats? Cats are individuals. Some are more sensitive to deterrent smells than others.

Other than using the ultrasonic deterrent which can hardly be heard by people, or waving one's arms around and making a noise, an additional deterrent would be to plant the right kind of shrubs which cover the entire ground in the flower beds. Cats won't go into those. This of course might not please a gardener because they want to plant pretty flowers and they want to participate in gardening rather than have a low maintenance garden.

Are citrus fruits a good cat deterrent?

Some plants are quite prickly and they can be usefully employed in flower beds as a deterrent. That's about it. My recommendation is don't bother with these granules.

I would like to say that when I state that ultrasonic deterrent works moderately effectively I am basing that on scientific research. That's not hearsay or subjective reviews but hard science.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Ryan Reynolds jokes Taylor Swift sued him for using her cats in ‘Deadpool 2’

I have stolen the title from a website called NME. The story is a bit of fun. Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Swift are buddies I believe. So Ryan is taking the Mikey when he said that Taylor sued him for not asking her permission to put photos of her cats on his T-shirt. 

In a recent Sirius XM interview (July 19), Reynolds discussed featuring Swift's cats, Meredith and Olivia, on a T-shirt in his 2018 film. The sequel, Deadpool & Wolverine, is set to hit theatres this week (July 26).
“Yes, I had a T-shirt made. Yes, of [Swift’s cats] Meredith and Olivia on Wade’s shirt,” Reynolds explained during the interview. “Yeah, you know, just little details, that’s all.”
He was asked if he'd got permission and his jokey response was:
 "No, I was sued. I lost everything in that one. And getting sued by a friend is tough to swallow. Also, she has just a lot of very, very powerful lawyers. I found out later those are just the paralegals. The real lawyers didn’t even bother with it. But…I would never do such a thing." Meaning wear a T-shirt with Swift's cats on it."
Here is the video of the podcast (nice location) where the conversation took place.

Taylor's cats get everywhere. There's probably more gossip about her cats than about 90% of the celebrities in the US! πŸ˜‰πŸ’•πŸ˜ƒ

Ryan Reynolds is a Canadian-American actor, producer, and businessman. He's renowned for his charismatic and often comedic roles, but he's also proven himself as a dramatic actor.

He gained widespread popularity for his portrayal of the irreverent superhero Deadpool in the eponymous film franchise. His witty and self-aware performance in the role solidified his status as a Hollywood A-lister.

Beyond Deadpool, Reynolds has starred in a variety of films, including romantic comedies like The Proposal, action flicks like Blade: Trinity, and even dramas like Buried. He's also known for his entrepreneurial ventures and sharp wit on social media.

Taylor Swift is a Grammy-winning American singer-songwriter known for her candid lyrics and evolving musical style. Rising to fame as a country artist, she's transitioned seamlessly into pop, showcasing her versatility and immense talent. Her dedicated fanbase, the "Swifties," is a testament to her global influence.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Would there be more crime without police? Answer is not clear!

It may have occurred to you that the police force is irrelevant. Why spend billions of dollars or pounds on the police if they achieve nothing? They may be so corrupt that they add to the crime rate. That's certainly true of some countries.
Shoplifting up by Michael Broad


Put it this way: there is no direct correlation with the presence of police and less crime or the lack of presence of police and more crime. It is a very difficult area of discussion. Below are the thoughts of Google's Gemini there artificial intelligence computer. They make the point that there might not be more crime without police which is a very troubling thought.

However, what got me thinking about this is the news today about shoplifting at a record high in the UK as thieves operate without fear. This has been an ongoing problem in the UK for many years. It's got worse and worse over the years as thieves have come to recognise the fact that the police do not attend shoplifting crimes. They have publicly declared to the world that they will not deal with shoplifting.

And because of that, thieves know that they can commit these crimes with impunity. This, then, confirms that the presence of police deters crime. And it confirms in at least one way that there would be more crime without police. Because in the UK there are no police, in effect, when it comes to shoplifting.

It is rampant. Personally, I see people next to me on self-service machines stealing food in supermarkets. It's quite commonplace. This forces up the prices so people like me have to pay the miscreant behaviour of ordinary citizens.

And the report today is that "Shoplifting has reached its highest level since records began more than 20 years ago as thieves operate without fear."

The number of shoplifting offences recorded by police in England and Wales is up 30% compared with last year.

Police forces logged 443,995 shoplifting offences in the year to last March. This is the highest since records began in 2003. Overall fraud incidents rose by 8% or 1.2 million offences compared to last year. There's been a surge in offences. The public is concerned. The public is mystified as to why the police have allowed this to happen.

What's worse is that the data probably represents a tiny fraction of what is actually happening. The true levels of theft is much higher. It causes apprehension in citizens.

Burglaries are also hardly ever attended by the police. There are almost no arrests of burglars in the UK. That has been the state of play for a long time. The police have completely abandoned the British public with respect to these offences. 

Even when they investigate separate figures show that proportion of crime investigations recorded in the year to March which were closed without a suspect rose to 40.2% from 39.3% in the previous year.

Finally, I can't ignore the theft of companion animals. It's all part and parcel of the same problem. There are more thefts of companion animals nowadays than before. This causes huge distress in caregivers. I don't think the police fully recognise this. They don't recognise the emotional context. The police are asleep basically and have been for years in my view.

Knife crime

The Times also has an article about "Children seriously hurt by knives up 50% in a decade". The report goes on to state that "The number of young people suffering serious injuries from knife crime has risen almost 50% in a decade, with black children six times more likely to be murdered than other children, a landmark report reveals."

This is just another aspect of crime generally in the UK. It's frankly shocking. And it is undermining the well-being of Britain's citizens. It might even be linked to the fact that a far too high a proportion of working people in the UK are not working. Some experts put it down to mental health issues. It might be because they're just lazy but perhaps they simply have given up on integrating with society because what they see in the newspapers is too bad.

Livestock crime

The police are also impotent in stopping livestock crime in the UK. A sheep farmer returned from his father's funeral to discover an organised crime gang had stolen 300 ewes and lambs from his field. The farmer believes that the lambs and mountain ewes were taken away in an unmarked lorry by somebody who knew about the funeral. The cost of livestock theft of farmers has reached a four-year high in 2023 with £2.7 million worth of cattle, sheep and pig stolen often by organised gangs according to a Times report. Another example of how a lack of police presence encourages crime. This supports the view that without police there would be more crime. It depends upon the community of course and whether they are predisposed to committing crime or not!

Gemini's response to the question

Whether or not there would be more crime without police is a complex question with no easy answer. Here's a breakdown of some key points to consider:

Arguments for More Crime:

  • Deterrence: Police act as a deterrent, with the threat of arrest and punishment discouraging some potential criminals.
  • Investigation and Apprehension: Police investigate crimes and attempt to apprehend offenders, removing them from the streets.
  • Maintaining Order: Police presence can help maintain public order and prevent situations from escalating into crime.

Arguments for Less Crime:

  • Over-Policing: Excessive policing, particularly in marginalized communities, can lead to overcriminalization and erode trust between communities and law enforcement.
  • Ineffective Policing: Not all policing strategies are equally effective in reducing crime. Some approaches may even lead to increased crime.
  • Root Causes: Many crimes are driven by underlying social issues like poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. Addressing these root causes could have a greater impact on crime rates than simply increasing police presence.

The Bottom Line:

There's no definitive answer to this question. The relationship between police and crime is complex and varies depending on numerous factors. It's important to consider the potential consequences of both maintaining the status quo and reforming or abolishing the police.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Management evict 2 popular public house cats. Pushback from regulars.

The senior management of Black Country Ales intend to evict Malt and Hops from the Wellington Real Ale public house in Birmingham City Centre.

These two very popular cats have called it home for the past five years. Malt and Hops are a beloved part of life at "The Welly", cherished and well-respected by both staff and regulars.

“It’s actually one of the reasons a lot of us go to The Welly,” says Laura McEwan, the owner of local blog Bite Your Brum. “The cats are part of the experience.”

Two very popular pub cats slated for eviction by management
Malt and Hops are popular with the regulars. Image: Facebook.

The Welly simply won't be the same without these two characters who bring joy and entertainment to its patrons.

We must convey to the upper management our collective disapproval of their plans to evict Malt and Hops from their home. By signing and sharing this petition widely, we can prevent this unwarranted eviction from occurring.

The Wellington on Bennetts Hill is reportedly being instructed by Black Country Ales, the brewey that owns the establishment, to remove the two resident cats following a complaint.

We don't know who made the complaint.

The complaint is arguable unreasonable as:
  • The public only provides packaged bar snacks and not cooked food so there is not chance contamination which is frankly absurd anyway as there are countless public houses in the UK with dogs inside the place.
  • Pubs like the Bag of Nails in Bristol and the Duke of York in Salisbury are renowned for their resident cats, which have become beloved by the regular patrons.
Perhaps the anonymous complainant is allergic to cats. Fair enough but he or she has no right to spoil the ambience of the place for all others. These cats are popular.

A petition has been started on Petition · Stop Malt & Hops getting evicted - Birmingham, United Kingdom · - please click to sign it.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

American people CRAVE a good leader and Kamala is that person

Judging by the adoration of the crowds attending Kamala Harris's first speech at her campaign rally, it is clear to me that (1) they are pleased Biden has dropped out at last, better late than never and (2) they really do crave a leader that they can genuinely look up to. And she has a cracking smile hasn't she? It is the best one I have seen. She is light and optimistic. Perhaps she can flower into being a great leader.

Note: No one knows for sure if she will be a good leader is elected but I have decided that she will be. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

American people CRAVE a good leader and Kamala might be that person
Kamala Harris. Photo: X.

They roared with happiness at the speech (20 seconds in the video) and would not stop. It seems that when Biden was in the race to the White House the Democrat section of American society (about 50% of the citizens?) were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

They had Biden who was clearly failing rapidly and frankly unelectable and Trump who for many democrats is the kind of person that Kamala Harris describes: a dodgy wheeler-dealer, and a criminal. A convicted criminal as it happens. Actually a felon.

Here is a quote from an X feed:
It's refreshing to smell the aroma of new enthusiasm in the political air. Suddenly, Trump becomes the old, stale, deranged felon, Autocrat Wanna-Be, loser rapist. Kamala is that breath of fresh air. She'll save democracy. The 'prosecutor vs. the felon' is classic
They are correct. For me it goes deeper. Americans crave a good leader. Biden was no longer capable because of his dementia and Trump has always been dodgy. For many he is slightly deranged.

The truth is that ALL citizens of all countries crave a good, fair and wise leader who will guide them through tough times. 

But in the top video we hear this need expressed in cheering and applause. A gushing of emotion that perhaps they have that leader. There is optimism.

Netflix made it possible for there to be a female President! It is time for a female president. It calls into question the pluses and minuses of female over male leaders.

Arguably this is a time for a female mentality. Drop the ego and the macho. Embrace the solution-finder, the compromiser. Compromise in a complex world is always the best solution. But she'll need to be strong and fearless too.

And as for animal welfare, she has a good track record we are told:

[She is] the first presidential candidate to have endorsed, helped to pass, and helped to enforce strong, specific pro-animal legislation throughout her political career. - A-Z Animals website.

For people like me this is very important. All leaders should be sensitive to animal welfare. It indicates an awareness of the need to help the vulnerable and support equality.

Trump and his colleagues will be concerned. Kamala has received an unprecedented surge in campaign funds from donors of $230 million keen to see her elected as America's first female president.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Cat and human obesity can damage health due to lower production of propionic acid

Obesity can damage the health of cats and people in similar and substantially. There are some amusing stories on the internet about very fat cats being rescued and dieted. They make good stories and fat cats look funny but there is a very serious story behind the fun: serious ill-health at least potentially. Studies regarding animals' gut health can be very useful in understanding the impact that the gut biome has on the health of humans. There is a big overlap here.

A study checked out the effect on gut biome of dieting obese cats and found that it affected the levels of propionic acid
"When the cats are on the special diet formulated for weight loss, propionic acid goes up and stays high, and then goes back down when they’re put back on the maintenance diet. So it really is a dietary change. This paper highlights that when we calorie-restrict cats that are obese, we can alter their microbial ecosystem and those community shifts that we see likely correlate with some metabolic outcomes.” - Jenessa Winston, assistant professor of veterinary clinical sciences at The Ohio State University (Ohio State), US, where the study was conducted.
So what is propionic acid? I consulted with Google's AI bot, Gemini to tell us all about it and more. Here is the dialogue.

What is the role of propionic acid in the gut of animals and humans?

Propionic Acid: A Key Player in Gut Health

Propionic acid is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) produced by gut bacteria through the fermentation of dietary fibres. It plays a crucial role in maintaining gut health and influencing various bodily functions.

Role in the Gut:

  • Energy Source: Propionic acid is absorbed through the colon wall and transported to the liver where it's used as an energy source.
  • Gut Barrier Function: It helps maintain the integrity of the gut lining, preventing the leakage of harmful substances into the bloodstream.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Propionic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to overall gut health and potentially reducing inflammation in other parts of the body.
  • Gut Microbiome Balance: It influences the composition of the gut microbiota, promoting a healthy balance of bacteria.
  • Appetite Regulation: Some studies suggest that propionic acid may play a role in appetite regulation by signalling to the brain.

Beyond the Gut:

  • Liver Function: As mentioned, the liver utilizes propionic acid for energy production. It's also involved in gluconeogenesis, the process of creating glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.
  • Potential Systemic Effects: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, propionic acid has been studied for its potential role in various conditions beyond gut health, such as metabolic disorders and neurological diseases. However, more research is needed to fully understand these effects.

In summary, propionic acid is a vital component of gut health and has far-reaching implications for overall well-being. Consuming a diet rich in fibre can promote the production of this beneficial SCFA.

Would you like to know more about how diet can influence SCFA production?


Diet and SCFA Production

Fiber is the key ingredient when it comes to boosting SCFA production. It's the preferred food source for gut bacteria. Different types of fiber influence the production of different SCFAs.

  • Resistant starch: Found in unripe bananas, cooked and cooled potatoes, and green bananas, it promotes butyrate production.
  • Inulin and fructans: Present in garlic, onions, asparagus, and chicory root, these fibers increase the levels of propionate.
  • Pectin: Found in fruits like apples and citrus, it can also contribute to SCFA production.

Other factors influencing SCFA production include:

  • Overall diet: A diet rich in processed foods and low in fiber can hinder SCFA production.
  • Gut microbiome: A diverse and healthy gut microbiome is essential for efficient SCFA production.
  • Antibiotics: These can disrupt the gut microbiome and negatively impact SCFA levels.

It's important to note that while fiber is crucial, consuming a balanced diet with a variety of plant-based foods is generally recommended for optimal gut health and SCFA production.

Does obesity limit the production of propionic acid? Yes.

Obesity and Propionic Acid Production

Yes, obesity can indeed limit the production of propionic acid.

Here's a breakdown of how:

  • Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis: Obesity is often associated with alterations in the gut microbiome, a condition known as dysbiosis. These changes can lead to a decrease in the abundance of bacteria that produce propionic acid.
  • Reduced Fiber Intake: Individuals with obesity often have lower fiber intake, which is a primary substrate for propionic acid production.
  • Increased Inflammation: Obesity is characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation, which can negatively impact the gut environment and hinder the production of beneficial SCFAs like propionic acid.

Therefore, restoring a healthy gut microbiome, increasing fiber intake, and reducing inflammation are essential steps in potentially increasing propionic acid levels in individuals with obesity.

Improving Gut Health in Obesity

Improving gut health is crucial for individuals with obesity. Here are some key strategies:


  • High-fiber diet: Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These provide the necessary fuel for beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Limit processed foods: These often contain harmful additives and lack essential nutrients.
  • Consider a Mediterranean-style diet: Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and olive oil, this diet has been linked to improved gut health and overall well-being.


  • Regular exercise: Physical activity can help reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, and support a healthy gut microbiome.
  • Weight management: Gradual weight loss can positively impact gut health by reducing inflammation and improving gut bacteria diversity.
  • Stress management: Chronic stress can negatively affect the gut microbiome. Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga into your routine.
  • Adequate sleep: Sufficient sleep is essential for overall health, including gut health.


  • Probiotics: These contain live bacteria that can benefit gut health. However, their effectiveness varies, and it's essential to choose reputable brands.
  • Prebiotics: These are non-digestible fibers that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. They are found naturally in many foods but can also be supplemented.

It's important to note that while these strategies can be beneficial, individual responses may vary. 

Important note: diet cats slowly. Consult with your vet.

P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Monday 22 July 2024

Cartoon character 'Hello Kitty' is a London girl 15 inches tall weighing 1 pound

Like millions of others, I am sure that you believed or imagined that the highly popular cartoon character created in Japan 50 years ago called "Hello Kitty" is a humanised (anthropomorphised) cat. All white and exceedingly cute. Walking on two legs and so on. That's how we imagined this cartoon character. But, we been told by the creator that we are all wrong.

Hello Kitty is a person. A London girl. And she is 15 inches tall and weighs 1 pound. To put that another way, according to the creator, Hello Kitty is five apples tall and the weight of three apples.

So I asked Google Gemini the height of five apples and the weight of three apples and you will see the responses below.

And also just below you see in Infographic I've made to highlight this revelation.

And finally, below, there's a link which takes you to a fuller page on this information. A lot of people don't want to accept what they have been told and they continue to believe that Hello Kitty as a cat. Fair enough.

I have argued, myself, that Hello Kitty's persona, what they are, as in the imagination of consumers who buy Hello Kitty merchandise. They are the ones you decide what this cartoon character is in my view. And I'm not telling people to ignore the creator because they know best but this character has been around for a very long time and during that time people have formed their own imaginations and ideas and thoughts about the character. I don't think the creator should try and change that.

Dialogue with an AI bot called Gemini

How tall is five apples?

Five apples tall is a fictional measurement.

It's a fun and whimsical way to describe the height of the popular character Hello Kitty. In the world of Hello Kitty, she is indeed five apples tall! However, in the real world, we measure height in centimeters, inches, or feet. 

Would you like to know the height of a real apple? 


An apple is typically around 5-10 centimeters tall.

That's about 2 to 4 inches! 🍎

So Hello Kitty is 5x3 inches tall or 15 inches?

That's right!

If we assume an average apple is 3 inches tall, then Hello Kitty, being five apples tall, would be:

5 apples X 3 inches/apple = 15 inches tall

So, in our apple-based measurement system, Hello Kitty is 15 inches tall! 🍎

And much do 3 apples weigh?

The weight of 3 apples can vary.

Apples come in different sizes, so their weight will change accordingly. 

However, as a general estimate, 3 medium-sized apples would weigh about 1 pound.

Would you like to know the weight in another unit, like grams or ounces?

So Hello Kitty, a girl living in London weighs about 1 pound?

That's a funny idea, but not quite accurate!

Hello Kitty is a fictional character, and while we can use apples to measure her height in a fun way, we can't use the same logic for weight. 

Humans, including little girls living in London, weigh much more than a pound! Even a newborn baby weighs significantly more than that. 

So while it's fun to think about Hello Kitty in terms of apples, let's stick to real-world measurements when talking about people's weight. 
Would you like to know the average weight of a human? 

The creator said that Hello Kitty has the weight of three apples

I apologize for the oversight. It seems I got caught up in the whimsical nature of using apples as a measurement and forgot about the specific details of Hello Kitty's character.

So, according to the official Hello Kitty lore, she weighs the equivalent of three apples.

Would you like to know approximately how much that would be in pounds or kilograms?


Hello Kitty's Weight: An Apple-y Estimation

If Hello Kitty weighs the equivalent of three apples:

In pounds: Since an average apple weighs about 0.33 pounds, three apples would be approximately 0.33 pounds/apple X 3 apples = 0.99 pounds.
In kilograms: Converting pounds to kilograms, 0.99 pounds is about 0.45 kilograms.

So, according to this apple-based calculation, Hello Kitty would weigh roughly 0.99 pounds or 0.45 kilograms. 

Please note: This is a very rough estimate as apple sizes can vary significantly. 

Some more:

Hello Kitty is a character dreamt up by an employee of Sanrio called Yuko Shimizu in 1974. Hello Kitty was always an anthropomorphised cat based upon a white kitten given to her creator. Yuko Shimizu explained to the BBC that the inspiration for the character came from her childhood. She said that: "When I was a child, I got a small white kitten from my father for a birthday present."


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Chasing cat and rat fatally stuck in organ pipe (both mummified)

This is a short story from The Times following a similar story that was recently well reported on news media regarding a cat trapped in a disused shaft in St. Paul's Cathedral. That cat was a Burmese stray and microchipped. She was rescued by the RSPCA and will be rehomed.

Chasing cat and rat fatally stuck in organ pipe

However, in a new cat and cathedral story, the cat faired a lot worse. As told by a former school boy of Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland, a mummified cat was found in the organ pipes. A mummified rat was also found.

Many years ago a cat had chased a rat into the organ and into the pipes and become stuck in perpetuity. It must have been a terrible death for both. I feel for their distress and slow death from starvation and no water.

The mummified cat and rat were mentioned in James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake according to Anthony Mc Gibney writing to the Times.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.

Joe Biden "Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

Joe Biden "Rage, rage against the dying of the light"
President Biden and Kamala Harris. 

The world now knows that Joe Biden has, at last, stood down from the election battle and handed the baton to Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a letter posted on X, the 81-year-old said: "It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as your President.

“And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

Joe Biden "Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

He has been brave, perhaps foolish, in fighting his rapid mental decline. Struggling to accept it. Until convinced by his colleague and perhaps his wife to stop. It isn't just about now and the race to become the next president. It is about how he would have faired if he had become the next president. He'd simply be unable to cope.

But he raged against the dying of the light in the words of that well-known poem by Dylan Thomas. It is a poem that - for me - urges all elderly people who are at various stages of dying (which applies to Biden) to fight to the end. To live as good as you can to the end. To never give up. Biden did this but unfortunately to the detriment of the Democratic party. Trump is almost bound to win now and become the next president. Hold on to your hats. Update: Kamala Harris is destined (hopefully) to become the next president. So things are looking up for the Democrats and common sense.

The recommendation by Dylan Thomas applies to 'ordinary' people, in their homes, going about their business in their twilight years. But Biden did what Thomas suggested and in some ways it is commendable, brave and to be expected of a fighter. A political warrior who could not stop. Who refused to succumb to the dying of the light.

Here is the poem:  Do not go gentle into that good night.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


It is in the public domain which is why I can publish it here. The advice in the poem is sound. Old people should do all they can to be as active as possible both in mind and body to their end. Hard though it is. You have to have discipline and drive to the end of one's life. To maximise life.

One vital factor in this journey is not to be become fat!! You can't max life if you are obese as it damages health and severely curtails mobility. Biden was slim unlike Trump who is obese. Biden had discipline. He was not self-indulgent. He was a servant of the people.

Here is Dylan Thomas in a Welsh pub. A great man in his own right. He died aged 39. He lived dangerously. {{{(>_<)}}} And I think he 'raged' throughout his life....!

Credit: By Rosalie Thorne McKenna -, CC BY-SA 4.0,


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins.